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Resultats bem 2009 algerie

Question de fafou le 18/06/2009 à 15h27
Dernière réponse le 04/03/2013 à 23h16
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Svp je veux savoir les resultats du bem voici mon code 5214179
3 réponses pour « 
resultats bem 2009 algerie
Réponse de Jean R.
Le 13/06/2010 é 07h36
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Voyez cela sur " www.bem.edu ".
Référence(s) :
Réponse de Jean R.
Le 13/06/2010 é 08h21
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Rectificatif : voyez cela sur " www.resultats-bac.org ".
Référence(s) :
Réponse anonyme
Le 04/03/2013 é 23h16
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Review by fylexhry for Rating: My wife and I reenctly purchased this camcorder and used it on a road trip. Having never purchased a camcorder before it's functions were very easy to figure out. We used it for inside a museum which it did very well with and for moving car shots. The sound quality is very good and best of all it is small enough that you don't need some giant gaudy camera bag for. Most of the time I kept it zipped in my coat pocket!Appearance: Sleek. High tech. So intuitive I barely opened the manual (which is good because, while at least being in English (with proper grammar and everything!), it's about as bare-bones as you can get). Attractive graphics on the menu screens with buttons/icons logically placed for maximum ease of use. And so compact I've seen bigger cellphones. The still photos are acceptable quality to me. Even though the device has 5MP cmos sensor, it can take up to 8mp still image. I like how the still camera and video camera operate in the same mode (different buttons) so no need to switch back and forth in between. Video. Well for this price, as others have noticed, the videos aren't exactly high-def. If you're in full sunlight they're more than acceptable (to me). Only minor complaint is the constant auto-focusing that can be heard on the video, but again, at this price for taking simple, fun videos I didn't have high expectations. For the price, the versatility of this camera repeatedly amazes me. Playing with it and figuring out all that it can do is extremely fun. Fun is the operative word here. I wouldn't use this to film someone's wedding professionally (or your child's first steps, just in case). But for a couple of days in the Big Apple with not much luggage space, I think this is just about the perfect machine.
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resultats bem 2009 algerie
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