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Micro financing

Question de Galaxie24 le 10/04/2012 à 18h12
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April 10th 2012 Hello, I would like to locate small investers grouped togheter in a small companies. It is not these lenders for whom I look recently because internet teaches us that the risk is big that they are cheaters! I look rather for groupings of small investors which deal by using their name of group who can authenticate their credibility and honesty! The chosen group could finance with a good return on investment, a project for the environmental protection and the sustainable development. Each members of the group could invest in this project a small as a bigger amount (according to its choice). I have created a small network of monthly donors, as which the donations will also serve to realize the project and to pay the return on investment for the investors! I am waiting your ideas. Thanks a lot for your contribution ! JR Email : andromede_1@hotmail.com
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micro financing
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