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Alucam socatral recrutement

Question de Kajer le 28/07/2010 à 15h37
Dernière réponse le 14/09/2012 à 15h26
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3 réponses pour « 
alucam socatral recrutement
Réponse anonyme
Le 17/09/2011 é 18h27
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Recherche un emploi en qualité de commercial
Référence(s) :
Maitrise en gestion marketing université de douala 2004-2005 mention assez bien réponds au 77 34 64 27 97 57 00 76 Roudolphe lepère malong
Réponse anonyme
Le 03/12/2011 é 20h27
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LETTER OF MOTIVATION TOUNJI HOPE NOUYEP 74774580/77912251 P O Box 441 Buea lexhopy@yahoo.com Dear Sir, As a graduate in Banking and Finance and a strong desire to excel in this profession, I am seeking to align myself with a company positioned for strong growth. The scope of my experience include, banking operation like: Micro banking (Express Union Mobile);Recording accounting entries, Bank reconciliation, charger De clientele, group account, account reconciliation, initiating marketing strategy, insurance and managing pensioner’s account. Capitalising on my job as the Chef de Guichet (Assistant manager) at express union Buea 4 with varieties of functions as enclosed in my cv. I am seeking opportunity where my banking, Financial, Accounting, Managerial, Insurance and customer-relation skills can benefit your company. With this goal in mind, i have attached a resume outlining my qualification. Here are a few of my significant capabilities: • Excellent organizational, interpersonal, and communication skill with the flexibility and experience required to remain highly focused and self possessed in fast, demanding environment. • Proven capacity to successfully render professional grade service on time • Proven in initiating outstanding marketing strategies and good customer relationship. My hands-on experience and practical knowledge are well suited to the goals of your organization. I would like an opportunity to discuss how my experience and skills can help your organization. Until then, thank you for your consideration and i look forward to meeting you. Yours sincerely Enclosures • A detailed curriculum vitae,
Réponse de devis
Le 14/09/2012 é 15h26
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Recherche un emploi en qualité de commercial Référence(s) master en markéting international à l'institut des relations international du Cameroun 2011-2012 m réponds au 74 19 57 31 NJOH Joseph Emmanuel
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alucam socatral recrutement
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