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Demande d'emploi.Par ATUD FIDELIS WAKUM

Question anonyme le 19/07/2010 à 16h36
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My names are ATUD FIDELIS WAKUM , and i am 29years old, a holder of a bachelor degree in Sociology with a minor in marketing and human resource management, a holder of a master degree in economic and social history with option in history of tourism.I am presently a doctorate student in the history department of the University of Dschang, voluntary worker at the delegation of women empowerment and the family at Dschang . I am seeking for a job.This is my C.V. CURRICULUM VITAE NAME: ATUD FIDELIS WAKUM PLACE OF BIRTH: Bamenda Cameroon DATE OF BIRTH: 15th October 1981 NATIONALITY: Cameroonian MARITAL STATUS: Single NUMBER OF CHILDREN: 1 TEL: (+237)77409602 EMAIL: affidelity@hotmail.com P.o Box: 49 Faculty of Letters, University of Dschang, West region GENERAL HEALTH: GOOD. AREA OF INTEREST: Administrative Assistant, Facilitator in Developmental Projects, Human resources Manager, and Marketing agent, Project writing LANGUAGES SPOKEN WRITTEN English very good Excellent French good good COMPUTER SKILLS: Good knowledge in Microsoft word, Excel, Publisher, Power Point, S.P.S.S ACADEMIC SITUATION Year Institution Certificate obtained 2007-2009 University of Dschang Master degree in Economic and Social History option in Tourism. 2003-2007 University of Dschang Bsc Major in Sociology and Minor in Human resource management and marketing 2000-2003 C.C.C Mankon Cameroon G.C.E Advance level (2 papers) 1994-1999 P.S.S Bafut Cameroon G.C.E Ordinary level (5 papers) 1987-1994 C.B.C Bonadikombo Limbe First School Leaving Certificate (F.S.L.C) WORK EXPERIENCE/INTERNSHIP ORGANISATION Position Held Date Job Description Macha Community health centre Manager 2009-2003 Coordinator of activities like vaccins and taking care of the sick people. Ministry of Social affairs Dschang Internship 1st July 1st September 2007 -Sensitization Campaign against child labour and child trafficking - Counseling of Delinquents AIESEC-BUEA(An International platform for young people to Discover and Develop their potentials to Impact Society Team Assistant Adviser. Young Entrepreneur’s Project. 2007-2008 -Planning and organization learning circles -Raising speakers and proposing for partnership. MOSA-Moghamo Student’s Association Organizing Secretary Adviser No I 2007-2010 -Planning, organization writing and conception of small projects for cultural development. -Counseling of members. IMAN-Institute Monseigneur Albert Ndongmo Dschang. English and Computer Teacher 2009-2010 -Teaching English to Francophones and also computer. SEMINARS/WORSHOPS/FORUMS ATTENDED TITLE DATE PLACE National Unity to National integration March 2009 -Salle de spectacle University of Dschang. Womens’ conference on HIV/AIDS December 2007 Savoy Palm2 Hotel Limbe Workshop on Youths and voting Rights in Cameroon June 2008 Atlantic Beach Hotel Management of conflict March 2008 University of Dschang University of Dschang:Youths of yesterday today and tomorrow January 2009 University of Buea. Business Plan Training by AIESEC-Buea March 2009 University of Buea Seminar on Entrepreneurship by G.S.F.A May 2009 Ampli 150C University of Buea. UNDER GRADUATE REASEARCH PROJECT. - Fidelis, A, (2007) THE IMAGE OF THE WOMAN IN THE SCULPTURAL PLASTIC ARTS OF THE CAMEROONIAN GRASSLAND. WEST AND NORTHWEST REGIONS UN PUBLISHED MASTER DEGREE THESIS - Fidelis, A, (2009) THE SOCIO-CUTURAL AND ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF TOURISM AND TOURIST Patrimony on the development of the British Southern Cameroons. 1916-1961published.(LITTERITINET) PHD RESEARCH PROJECT (Proposal) - THE EVOLUTION OF TOURISM POLICIES AND ITS SOCIO-CULTURAL AND ECONOMIC IMPACTS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF CAMEROON.1884-2008 REFERENCES - Dr Saha Zacharie History Department University of Dschang Tel: 77669846 - Dr Jules Kouosseu Faculty of Letters and Social Sciences Department of History University of Dschang Tel: 99813580 - Dr Nodem Emet Faculty of Letters and Social Sciences Department of Sociology P.O box 49- West Region-Cameroon
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Demande d'emploi.Par ATUD FIDELIS WAKUM
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