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Question anonyme le 14/08/2009 à 11h58
Dernière réponse le 06/02/2013 à 18h04
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Hello i am a female Cameroonian holder of the Bachelor's Degree in English Private Law, also a holder of a Diploma in office Applications. I have been working with Tianshi as online marketer for the past five months. I am perfectly bilingual. I would like to know please if i can work with MTN Cameroon? If possible how can i apply for a job there.
4 réponses pour « 
Réponse anonyme
Le 21/09/2010 é 13h32
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Can i be employ by M T N cameroon hi i am a young guy and i am a holder of B sc in marketing and a hold of H N D and i wish to offer my service to M T N cameroon i was wondering where can o drop my documents please in case any one can help me please contact me by midkiff42@yahoo.com or you can all me by 75679614
Réponse de weypite julius
Le 16/09/2011 é 11h34
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WEYPITE JULIUS, UNIVERSITY OF BUEA, FACULTY OF SOCIAL AND MANGEMENT SCIENCE, TEL: (+237) 75586025 DATE:16/09 /2011. THE GENERAL MANAGER, MTN-CAMEROON. DOUALA-CAMEROON. Sir; AN APPLICATION FOR AN EMPLOYMENT It is with due respect that i have come before you seecking for a job opportunity in your institution, where i could put all my know how at your services. I am a male Cameroonian and a holder of a undergraduate degree in Economics (Bsc Economics) in the University of Buea in the Faculty of Social and Management Sciences Presently i am the auditor of ETS ASUMGMBOH STEPHEN where reference could also be carried out. In addition to the above qualifications i am a computer literate in Operating System, Micrsoft word and Microsoft Excel. Sir while waiting for this not to be accorded i remain, Your Sincerely Added to this is my CV. Corruculum Vitae WEYPITE JULIUS CURRENT ADDRESS: YAOUNDE CARREFOUR OBILI DATE OF BIRTH.19/07/1984 EMAIL: julius1_2001@yahoo.com Tel;(237)75586025 PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVES I aim at being actively involved with Jobs on Business Consultancy, financial analysis, and financial institution management. I also aim at becoming associated with an institution that will give me the opportunity to contribute my experience and talent through regular work and for consultancies for the benefit of the Institution, and career. EDUCATION 2009: Obtained a Bsc in Economics, University of Buea-Cameroon 2006: obtained the GCE Advance level with distinction in Economics, Mathematics and Geography, in GBHS (Government Bilingual High School Bamenda. 2004: Obtained the GCE Ordinary Level with distinction in Mathematics, English language, History, Economics, English literature, Commerce and Geography (Government Bilingual High School Bamenda). WORK EXPERIENCE 2009 to PRESENT :WORKING AS AN AUDITOR AND A STORE ACCOUNTANT IN ETS ASUNGMBOH STEPHEN M 2011 TO PRESENT: Doing computer classes and working as an internet assistance at CYBERPLUS MELEN 2008 : Auditor Auditor of the Ndong Awing Cultural and Development Association (NACDA) Youth Branch (Buea). My role is that of an independent auditor who audits of the financial statements of the association to give an opinion on the fairness with which they present, in all material respects, financial position, results of operations and its cash flows in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. July 2008 September 2008: Worked as an intern in Kumba Central Credit Union Ltd (MFE) Involved with organizing field seminars for the Credit Union to educate the local public on the importance of planning for economic assets and having a savings account in a financial institution .Working as an intern, I gained extensive work experience in an institution that was made up of a diversified from different educational background. Equally as an item, I also gained knowledge coupled with professional experience and an increased understanding of my course work. The internships as a whole also helped me to put class studies into practice and also have exposure to the professional environment. July 2007 September 2007: Worked as an intern in Kumba Central Cooperative Credit Union Ltd (MFE) As an intern, I had the unique opportunity to discover and be involved with the practical aspects of the functioning of an entire financial institution. Working with the loan and personal financial department, I was largely involved with property assessment and to determine if the loans could be issued and assist credit union debtor develop their loan payment plans. This task also consisted of working closely with other credit union members in developing their personal financial management. 22 July 2007: Workers as election observer for the National Election observatory (NEO) during the legislative and municipal elections organized in Cameroon. 2005 and 2006 Summer Holidays: I worked as a sales associated at Bernard Automobile spare parts store Bamenda and Yaounde. OTHER SKILLS Good at analysis and report writing, negotiating coordinating and moderating of teams in multidisciplinary settings Languages: English and can understand French but cannot speak. Computer literate in Microsoft word and Excel REFERENCE Mr. Nkeh Christopher Mbonglen Provincial Administrator (MFE) Tel: (237) 33 35 49 19 / (237) 75 40 00 09 P.O Box 510 Kumba Email: kumcentralcoopcu@yahoo.com
Référence(s) :
weypite julius
Réponse anonyme
Le 17/04/2012 é 11h08
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I AM A CAMEROONIAN OF 29 YEARS OLD AND A HOLDER OF THE HIGHER NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN BANKING AND FINANCE. I WORK AS A COMPUTER SECRETARY AT SOLARNET INTERNET HOSPITAL ROUND ABOUT, BAMENDA-CAMEROON.I wish to offer my service to M T N cameroon I was wondering where can o drop my documents please in case any one can help me please contact me by dienebate@yahoo.com or you can all me by 79454973.
Référence(s) :
reference: Mr. Moki Samuel Mbah, the proprietor of solarnet internet hospital round about-Bamenda. Tel: 77203662
Réponse anonyme
Le 06/02/2013 é 18h04
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Director, Human Resources Sub: Application for the Post of a IT Support Technician Dear Sir/Madam, It is with great interest that I am forwarding my Resume for your consideration. My record of professional trainings and Educational qualifications demonstrates attributes that make me a valuable employee. I have applied for this vacancy because it’s an excellent match for my skills and experience and because it represents a challenge which I know I will relish. During my years of experience in IT desktop support field, I have acquired demonstrated ability in all aspects of troubleshooting, installations, and configuration for a variety of desktops, laptops, hardware, and software. I’m highly skilled in delivering very complex technical information. In addition, I am task oriented, get pleasure from accepting challenges, and persistently keep pace with the most recent advancements in the IT field. Thank you for your time and consideration My resume is enclosed to provide you with details of my skills and accomplishments; I am certain that a personal interview or by phone calls would fully reveal my desire and ability to contribute to your organization. Thank you for your time and consideration, and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at +23776106765 or nkwaingilbert02@gmail.com I look forward to hear from you soon and am willing to join immediately. Warm Regards GILBERT NKWAIN NGOH
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