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Partenaire associce au maroc

Question de nourealmaghreb le 02/07/2015 à 08h20
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I'm a professional self defense instructor certified MMA , survival training .safety Protocol , fitness, military training , lose weight specialist , National Academy Sports and Medicine certified , HEART SAVER · First Aid/CPR · CPR/AED Certified from American Heart Association · New York, New York , I'm living in New York, I'm try to open the gym in Morocco with new technology and new assessments training that been proved in united states , and giving the best result in the fitness industry . I'm looking for partners to open gyms in Morocco and giving to Moroccan fitness the opportunity to follow the new activity and the new technology to the body and mind veuillez accptez mes sincere salutation. pour tt personne intresser veuillez me contacte sur mon emai pour plus d information , epic.healtyfitnesscenter@gmail.com
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partenaire associce au maroc
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