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Question de DR DIMARER le 23/02/2012 à 00h41
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BONJOUR je suis un medecinec generaliste tunisien avec 3 ANS D EXPERIENCES JE VOULAIS BIEN TROUVER UNE POSTE AU PAYS DE GOLF POUVEZ VOUS M AIDER MERCI VOICI MON CV Date of Birth : March 1st , 1982. Place of Birth : Ben Guerden, Mednin, Republic of Tunisia. Citizenship : Tunisian. Marital status : single. Academic Grade: Doctor on medecine  Address : 20 bis Street of Abou nouess Borj Zwara Bab Saadoun 1029 Tunis,Tunisia.  (+216) 97909435/50470121 E-mail : wissemwissem100@yahoo.fr Curriculum Vitae EDUCATION : - 1989-1995 Primary schools: Primary school of January 18th of Ben guardan. - 1996-2002 Secondary education : mixed Secondary Ben Guardan high school. - 2002 Baccalaureate of secondary education with honors from Ben Guarden High school. - 2002-2004 : First cycle of medical education in the faculty of medicine ofTunis. - 2004-2008 : Second cycle of medical education in the faculty of medicine of Tunis. - November 2008-October 2010: Internship in medicine in Tunis universitary hospitals. - January 2012: PhD in medicine from the faculty of medicine of Tunis. CERTIFICATES: - Certificate in English language from Bourguiba school of Tunis obtained in 2006. - Instructor in first aid since 2008 - January 2012: PhD in medicine from the faculty of medicine of Tuni MEDICAL LICENSURE: 2012- Tunis, license # INTERNSHIP AND EXPERIENCE: - 4 months of training in ICU of Children Hospital of Tunis from November 2008 to Febraury 2009. - 4 months of training in and Anesthesia and care unit in Neurologic hospital of Tunis from March to June 2009. - 4 months of training in Pediatric surgery of Children Hospital of Tunis from July to October 2009. - 4 months of training in Nephrology in Rabta Hospital of Tunis fromNovember 2009 to February 2010. - 4 months of training in psychiatry in Razi Hospital-Manouba, Tunis from March to June 2010. - 4 months of training in Gynecology in Charles Nicolle Hospital from July to October 2010. - 4 months of training in Pneumology in Charles Nicolle Hospital . - Medical first aid in Djerba, Mednin, Tunisia during summer 2011. - Clinical professional carrer in Privates Hospitals during 02 years(GMF Medical Assistance) SKILLS : - First aid instructor. - Emergency medicine and intensive care. LANGUAGES: - English : excellent level. - French : excellent level. - Arabic : (mother tongue) - Japanese : basic level. - German : basic level. HOBBIES: Karaté trainer since 2005. COMPUTER SKILLS: - Microsoft office Excel - Microsoft office PowerPoint - Microsoft office Publisher - Microsoft office Word - Search through Internet in general
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