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Veillez le contacté si vous avez besoin de prêt il peux vous aidez pou

Question anonyme le 17/09/2014 à 01h48
Dernière réponse le 04/05/2022 à 20h52
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Veillez le contacté si vous avez besoin de prêt il peux vous aidez pour toutes demande de crédit voici sont mail : finance.express24@gmail.com
3 réponses pour « 
Veillez le contacté si vous avez besoin de prêt il peux vous aidez pou
Réponse de Tachin
Le 17/09/2014 é 08h08
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Arnaque, arnaque, arnaque...
Réponse de canounet
Le 17/09/2014 é 09h21
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Les vautours planent FAUX TEMOIGNAGE - FAUX TEMOIGNAGE - FAUX TEMOIGNAGE – Pour mieux appâter les naïfs et les pigeons ATTENTION AUX ARNAQUES !
Réponse anonyme
Le 04/05/2022 é 20h52
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Hey I thought the below piece would be an excellent addition to the blog on experts-univers.com. If you feel it is the right fit, please feel free to publish it. Do let me know if you need anymore information. Please copy in our expert Ieva (ieva@oliolusso.com) in your reply. Delve into the psychology of lipstick colour with doctor Monika Wassermann and psychologist and sex & relationships advisor Ieva Kubiliute. In their latest infographic the dynamic duo, Wassermann and Kubiliute, take a deep dive into the psychology of colour and how your lipstick shade can influence your day. Monika Wassermann had this to say "Colours penetrate our subconscious and change our behaviours. By understanding the power of colour you can not only influence those around you but also change the entire course of your day." Colour is an often overlooked sensory cue when it comes to how others perceive you. By learning which colours provoke which reactions you can become the master creator of your life. Learn which colours to wear for different events as well as which colours can completely change another person's perception of you. Whether you want to appear more sexy, confident or emphatic they_ve covered it all for you in one handy infographic. "Colour is a powerhouse when it comes to influencing our thoughts and emotions. The psychology of colour is not to be underestimated. Choosing the right colours to adorn yourself with can make you appear more sexy, confident and even more intelligent ." Kubiliute The full infographic can be found here and was created in collaboration with Olio Lusso (oliolusso.com) and Loxa Beauty (loxabeauty.com): https://shopgiejo.com/what-your-lipstick-colour-says-before-you-do/ Visit the oliolusso.com and loxabeauty.com websites Notes To Editors: About Monika Wassermann Monika Wassermann studied medicine at the Queen Mary University of London. Currently based in the UK she also has a passion for freelance writing and covers a broad range of topics including health, sex and relationships and fitness. When she's not busy writing she enjoys mediating, weightlifting and strolls around town. About Ieva Kubiliute Ieva Kubiliute studied psychology BSc (Honours) at the university of St Andrews. She_s a keen freelance writer and consults several health and wellness brands. Ieva covers topics ranging from mental wellbeing to sex and relationships. In her spare time Ieva is passionate about yoga, movies and affordable skincare. If you require further information or specific quotes please contact Ieva ieva@oliolusso.com
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