Bonjour, j'ai acheté une punto avec autoradio sans le code. quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider (trouver le code et le taper), les réf. :
BP9374Y4727587 ET...
Hello, I bought a punto with radio without the code. could someone help me (find the code and enter it) the ref. :
BP9374Y4727587 AND e1 021 426
Thank you. = code 3365
Hello impossible to find my car radio code for my fiat punto
how to have it? radio post number: Blaupunkt GMBH BP237534114643 815 SW Ver 2.65 Thanks in advance = code 3245
Reply miko53
The 03/12/2015 at 22:28 [! ] Hello I am looking for the code for a Blaupunkt car stereo Twingo with these references: BP6500V9527847 7646500591 Thanks = code 7153 for your renault
j'ais oublié le code de ma Fiat Punto low a cause de changement de voiture
blaupunkt werke GMBH made in portugal
7 649 372 316
e1 021426
merci d'avance
Response gueblli
14/04/2015 at 18:34 The [! ] Hello
I board forgotten the code of my Fiat Punto low because of change of car
blaupunkt werke GMBH made in portugal
e1 021426
thank you in advance - - code 5334
Bjr ... I try my radio code on my punto
Bp7646328316 please anyone can help me ?? Thanks in advance
= please post the main serial can be found stamped in to the metal casing around the radio like bp6328*1234567
j'ai oublié le code de ma Fiat Punto low a cause de changement de voiture
blaupunkt werke GMBH made in portugal
7 649 372 316
e1 021426
merci d'avance
I forgot the code for my Fiat Punto low because of change of car
blaupunkt werke GMBH made in portugal
e1 021426
thank you in advance = code 1124