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Code auto radio perdu modus - Page 4

Question de Domo le 03/09/2010 à 15h36
Dernière réponse le 17/08/2014 à 17h00
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Bonjour a tous suite a une panne de batterie je n ai plus de code radio. Mon no de série est. Vf1jp0d0532607359 merci de votre aide par avance cathy
92 réponses pour « 
Code auto radio perdu modus
Réponse anonyme
Le 07/07/2012 é 13h17
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Merci beaucoup c est impec ca marche niquel !!!
Réponse anonyme
Le 23/08/2012 é 17h44
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Bonjour suite a panne de batterie perdu code radio n) security L640 quelqu'un peut il m'aider merci d'avance
Réponse de hay88
Le 23/08/2012 é 17h54
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Hello after a battery failure lost radio code n) security L640 someone can help me thank you in advance = code 2729 You must hold at the end to store your code. IF YOU DONT HAVE ¬ KEY THEN PUSH THUMBWHEEL IN AND SOME HAVE {A¬} KEY Turn on the radio and the display will show 'CODE' Use the steering controls for code entry. Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct first digit Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct second digit Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct third digit Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct fourth digit If the correct code is now shown on screen, press and hold the [ ¬] button for up to 10 seconds to store the code FOR NO STEERING CONTROL press the first preset button for the 1st digit, second button for the 2nd digit third button for 3rd digit forth button for 4th digit then press and HOLD button 6 to store. for 10 seconds and on some it's hold 5 to store.
Réponse anonyme
Le 23/08/2012 é 18h05
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Merci beaucoup "hay88". ca marche impec.
Réponse anonyme
Le 08/10/2012 é 18h39
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Suite au changement de la batterie sur mon modus de 2006 je ne sais pas ou trouver le code, sur la notice d'utilisation j'ai une étiquette avec des chiffres, j'ai essayé avec les chiffres mais rien se passe!!!! Au dos de la doc il y a un code barre 8200665804 Si quelqu'un peut me sortir un numéro de code je le remercie d'avance BOULI78
Réponse de hay88
Le 08/10/2012 é 18h56
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You need to remove the radio. they are too small holes each side of the radio use an old metal coat hanger 4 darts or very small screwdriver or long nails. put into holes about 4-5cms and push outwards sideways and carefully pull radio forward. you must do the holes on each side at the same time Then post the numbers/letters from below the main barcode something like 7700xxxxxxtt123 or 8200xxxxtt123 or the security code like Q123 or T0U123 can be found in a small box then i can help you off of the radio
Réponse anonyme
Le 22/11/2012 é 17h14
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Bonjour Suite a un debranchement de batterie je n ai pas le code autoradio de ma nissan micra 2003 Ci joint les numero rel ve derriere mon autoradio bp234631982909 nissan mmddk7642346318 022458 merci d avance
Réponse de hay88
Le 22/11/2012 é 18h16
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Hello After a battery disconnection I have not the radio code for my nissan micra 2003 Enclosed rel ve the number behind my car bp234631982909 nissan mmddk7642346318 022 458 thank you in advance == code 0732 Code Entry as Follows: Switch Radio On - Display Shows " CODE " Then " 0000 " Press preset " 1 " repeatedly for 1st Digit Press preset " 2 " repeatedly for 2nd Digit Press preset " 3 " repeatedly for 3rd Digit Press preset " 4 " repeatedly for 4th Digit If the correct code number is now shown Press Tuning Up Button " ^ " To Enter
Réponse de ichem24
Le 25/12/2012 é 17h22
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Je serch code auto radio blupunkt MONO CD H3 .BP8128Y2247965
Référence(s) :
Réponse de hay88
Le 25/12/2012 é 18h52
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Serch code auto radio blupunkt MONO CD H3. BP8128Y2247965 Reference (s): HICHEM = try code 9729
Réponse anonyme
Le 03/01/2013 é 16h04
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Bonjour Hay88, je cherche le code de l'autoradio de mon picasso citroën. Modèle PU-2295A SERIAL n° CL0411X0004465 Merci beaucoup.
Réponse de hay88
Le 03/01/2013 é 18h48
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The only CLARION code available for free (using a serial number ) from anywhere on the Internet is if your radio also has a BARCODE SERIAL NUMBER beginning with C 7000000 + + + + on a label somewhere on the metal casing. If not then it will only be available from your Main Dealer or a Decoding Service or your local Car Radio / Audio Store who will connect a laptop to read/recode the memory chip (EEPROM) inside your radio
Réponse de solo.35
Le 27/02/2013 é 20h24
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Bonsoir , j'ai changé ma batterie et surpris on me demande le code de l'autoradio cabasse que je nai pas !!! pouvez vous m'aidez .... le code securité est S403. Merci
Réponse de hay88
Le 27/02/2013 é 23h18
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Hi, I changed my battery and surprised people ask me the radio code cabasse I havent! can you help me .... the security code is S403. Thanks = code 7590
Réponse de vivige89
Le 04/03/2013 é 12h15
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Bonjour code autoradio perdu code securité th602
Réponse de hay88
Le 04/03/2013 é 17h10
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Hello lost code radio security code th602 = code 3164
Réponse anonyme
Le 23/12/2013 é 21h23
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Réponse anonyme
Le 30/04/2014 é 21h15
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Bonjour je cherche mon n de code autoradio compuse 2010 8200822099 merci povez vous m aider
Réponse de hay88
Le 30/04/2014 é 21h46
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You need to remove the radio. They are too small holes Each side of the radio use an old metal coat hanger 4 darts or very small screwdriver or long nails. put into holes about 4-5cms and push outwards sideways and Carefully pull radio forward. you must do the holes on Each side at the same time Then post the numbers / letters from below the main barcode something like 7700xxxxxxtt123 gold 8200xxxxtt123 or the security code like Q123 or T0U123 can be found in a small box Then i can help you off of the radio
Réponse anonyme
Le 11/05/2014 é 01h04
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Bonjour, je souhaiterais avoir e code de l'autoradio ma Mercedès c180. ses références sont: type: Audio 10 Modèle: BE3200 Serial: W1038636 Merci d'avance
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Code auto radio perdu modus
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