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Concours magister ou master en anglais 2011/2012?

Question de faithfulness le 31/07/2011 à 17h40
Dernière réponse le 12/01/2012 à 12h24
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Slt,svp jve savoir les dates des concours magister ou master en langue Anglaise 2011/2012? et merci d'avance.
17 réponses pour « 
concours magister ou master en anglais 2011/2012?
Réponse anonyme
Le 02/08/2011 é 22h29
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According to what mesures we can subscribe at the master as we studied english under the classic system
Réponse anonyme
Le 02/08/2011 é 22h35
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Oh plz im dieying to know if there is a possibility for those who studied english at the classic system to subscribe for further studies at the lmd system(master) and what are the condition for that
Réponse anonyme
Le 21/08/2011 é 01h37
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Hey...yess plzzzzz i wanna know the conditions for subscribing in an lmd system
Réponse de horizon8
Le 30/08/2011 é 02h15
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Hi !!Okey, please would you mind answering our quest !can anybody tell us about the master 2011 and the criteria of eligibility ?
Réponse anonyme
Le 10/09/2011 é 21h07
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Hi i need to know if there is one like for real but am living in saida so .............
Réponse anonyme
Le 10/09/2011 é 21h22
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I according to what i know, for the classic system students can subscribe for further studies at the lmd system(master), but it is not master one but master two , because we've studied 4 years and not 3 years like the lmd students.
Réponse anonyme
Le 10/09/2011 é 23h27
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Hi guys i do really need any one who got info about the stuff goin on ok so this is my e mail address you are welcome to contact me *ghoutiimane@yahoo.fr* thanks
Réponse de faithfulness
Le 23/09/2011 é 16h17
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Salam friends, les inscréptions pour le magister(english) se termine le 10/10 à Bouzaréah,et le concour sera pour le 18et 19/10.Good luck friends
Réponse anonyme
Le 23/09/2011 é 16h35
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Cest quoi le dossier pour participer au concour du magister option langue anglaise?
Référence(s) :
Réponse de allaeddinne
Le 29/09/2011 é 20h45
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It will be in ouargla on 5/10/2011 the module willbe esp( english for special purposes)
Réponse anonyme
Le 29/09/2011 é 23h43
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Please if anyone knows what is meant by english for special purposes tell me, i haven't studied this module , i have an exam in mostaganem next week and i dont know what this module is about..
Réponse de faithfulness
Le 30/09/2011 é 00h17
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Salam friends, alors,le dossier pour s'inscrir est: 1 demande manuscrite 1 éxtrait de naisssance 1 copie du diplome légalisé 1 copie du bulletin de bac légalisé 1 envelope timbrée 1 copie sur les relevé des quatre années 2 photos et quand vous arriverez à la fac,vous demandez du service de scolarité "une attestation de non comparition devant le conseil de déscipline" pour l'ajouter au dossier. good luck***
Réponse anonyme
Le 05/10/2011 é 21h01
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Le concours d'accés a l'école doctorale sera le 13 octobre nchallah a l'université el hadj lakhdar,et le dernier delai d'inscription sera le 10 octobre.bon courage
Réponse anonyme
Le 18/10/2011 é 21h04
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Salam ; listen I'm working in the English department at Blida University and I can tell you sorry guys . The students of the classical system are not allowed even to apply for the M1 ( Master1) so how dare you saying that you are going to be directly in M2. Studying 3 or 4 years has never meant that the level of student is good or bad. Thank you
Réponse anonyme
Le 13/11/2011 é 20h05
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I study in Boumerdes and in OUR university we DO accept ALL classical students in MASTER , and MANY MANY MANY were allowed this year, and it's NOT late , you can still access it !!!!! here is all what you need (the only conditions, is not to have passed any catch up exams (rattrapage): your diploma birth certificate ( n°12) residence former student card 3 photos lettre de motivation
Réponse de faithfulness
Le 13/11/2011 é 20h39
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Salam.thanks.but i want to know,you said that we mustn't have passed any catchup exams!!!only in 4th year or all the years? (et meme synthèse?)
Réponse anonyme
Le 12/01/2012 é 12h24
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Hi friends,I am fourth year english student and I was wandrin if there is any one who can help me.Either by suggesting the questions that were asked in 2011 concerning all the modules.thanks,I will appreciate any help .you can email me at this adress: ghoualikada@gmail.com . thanks again & gud luck for all the Algerians.
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concours magister ou master en anglais 2011/2012?
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