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Debloquer clé3G Orange

Question de mourchid le 06/01/2013 à 01h45
Dernière réponse le 18/01/2013 à 01h44
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Quelqu1 peut il m'aider à débloquer ma clé orange 3g afin de l'utiliser avec n'importe quel operateur mobile senegal. Modéle . E 160E IMEI : 354765037861879
1 réponse pour « 
debloquer clé3G Orange
Réponse anonyme
Le 18/01/2013 é 01h44
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Htc fell behind besuace of ONE reason, crappy marketing! Consider this: the htc rezound was the FIRST phone to have a 720p HD display but not only did they never advertise it, but they didn't even put HD' in its name! The rezound is the ONLY phone on the market that has a higher pixel density than the iphone 4s! Its 342ppi crushes iphone's 326ppi and does it with a 4.3 screen! How could htc NOT advertise that it's phone is the one that MASHED apple's coveted retina display?! The rezound was also the FIRST phone to have a 1.5 ghz dual-core processor WITH an adreno 220 graphics processor! Did htc advertise that it's phone had the most powerful processor? NO! Not only does the rezound's front cam record HD video, but it's rear cam records slow-motion video! And again, no they didn't advertise that! Its plain-as-day why htc fell behind samsung, motorola, and apple: they have the weakest marketing in the industry!
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debloquer clé3G Orange
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