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Do you like schools

Question anonyme le 02/01/2010 à 18h07
Dernière réponse le 30/07/2018 à 16h23
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Do you like schools
10 réponses pour « 
do you like schools
Réponse anonyme
Le 02/01/2010 é 18h11
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Yes, I like it.
Réponse anonyme
Le 11/01/2010 é 20h54
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I think school is boring and the taechers are boring too
Réponse anonyme
Le 19/11/2010 é 13h47
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I think school is boring because I hate daily routines of school (get up at 6 a.m, go to school........) and the exams but I sometimes like it because I love my friends and some teachers. However I am studying to have a good job in the future
Réponse anonyme
Le 29/11/2010 é 21h11
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I think school is very boring and tiring.We must wake up at 7 a.m every day and work the whole day. I also dislike the uniform, but I belive that school interesting and important for our future. and I also like it because we can talk and play with our friends.
Réponse anonyme
Le 15/12/2010 é 20h18
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I think school is important for our future and interesting that's way i like it . i know it's not fun to wake up at 7:00 a.m every day but in the future we can have a goode job. but the school is boring sometimes .
Réponse anonyme
Le 08/12/2016 é 20h35
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Réponse anonyme
Le 25/01/2017 é 18h58
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Hi guys first I like school becquse I can meet a new friends and talk with them .I study my favourit subject but I don4t like it because I wake up early (strat 8 am to 6 pm )
Réponse anonyme
Le 18/11/2017 é 15h50
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First i like school because some subjects are interesting and important . y favourite subjects are french arabic and english . they are easy and compulsory . also some teachers are cool and strict . i learn to have a good job in the future . besiides i talk with my friends . i have many friends . my favourite friends is oumaima and salsabil . they are kind helpful and cool.. second . i hate school beacause its verry tiring and sometimes borring . it's so difficut to wake up early and study whole day from 8am to 5pm . also we have much homework and much examens .
Réponse anonyme
Le 26/12/2017 é 21h11
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Yes, I like school because i can meet many friends and it help to qet a gold job in the future
Réponse anonyme
Le 30/07/2018 é 16h23
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No school is bullsht and brainwashes kids.
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do you like schools
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