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Merci de m'expédier , le plus tôt possible,ce duplicata de bulletin de paiement de 2011 en 3 éxemplaires,si possible.
Bien cordialement.
Annick Barial.
I have been setting up blogs for my sudtents and everything was working pretty well. I had them all use my e-mail so that the addresses and passwords would come to me and I could link them to my site. (Plus sudtents tend to loose these things on a regular basis) My sudtents do not have access to e-mail at school so that worked very well. When the system was changed and my last class went to sign up for their blogs it would no longer allow us to use my e-mail address. This caused mass confusion. The ones I have managed to get activated are showing as half pages. Is the problem me or is there a problem with the system?