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Grand projet de développement économique en Afrique

Question de afrikadiaspo le 23/05/2014 à 11h11
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Grand projet de développement économique en Afrique: As we spoke about opportunities available in Tanzania I hereby make submission on the following areas whereby your interested people can venture into; - Agriculture and Food processing - Chemicals - Construction of roads and houses - Crafts - Education Services - Electrical Engineering - Electronics - Energy - Environment - Fishery and Fish Products - Forestry wood and paper - Health and Pharmaceutical - Information and Communication Technology - Manufacturing Engineering and Mechanism - Mining of Gold and other minerals - Packaging and materials - Tourism - Transportation -Textiles and others For one to be able to get established in Tanzania ,have to form a local company which addresses any of the above mentioned sectors. The benefit of having a local company are so many but mostly you will enjoy the local market as well as the neighboring countries markets such as Rwanda , Zambia , Malawi , DRC and Uganda plus Burundi. I therefore end up here while expecting your people to react accordingly and I will be available to provide consultancy in all the above areas of business undertaking. Best regards
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Grand projet de développement économique en Afrique
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