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Kasbah Sable D'or, Merzouga

Question anonyme le 19/10/2011 à 02h35
Dernière réponse le 20/10/2011 à 14h48
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We have been five days in the beautiful Auberge Kasbah Sable d'Or. This is an amazing place to relax and a perfect place to discover the deserts (camel trip and overnight stay in a tend or outside under the beautiful starry sky) which can be arranged by the auberge. We have done the desert trip as well, which was an amazing experiences (highly recommended). The auberge has beautiful, clean rooms and the lounge is a great place to rest and have fun with Rachid and Isabelle. During our stay in the auberge, we felt like we are a part of the family. We had everyday together dinner and the food is excellent. If you have a need, they help you in any case. This is defintely a place where you feel confortable and welcome. We made here very good friends and we are sure that we will come back. Kindly revert if you have any questions; sayatollah@gmx.net or contact them directly; www.kasbah-sable-dor.com 002120667250328
1 réponse pour « 
Kasbah Sable D'or, Merzouga
Réponse anonyme
Le 20/10/2011 é 14h48
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Hello, I'm very happy to read what you said about Kasbah Sable d'Or. I am Isabelle and I used to run this place for 7 years, but since the 3rd of June 2011, Rachid & I stopped living and working there. Since then there is a new manager. You can see the informations on the website or on the blog. Best regards, Isabelle
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Kasbah Sable D'or, Merzouga
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