Bonjour, je voudrai avoir qlqs sujets du magister anglais ou du types de questions surtout en tefl, applied linguistics, linguistics,american studies and british common wealth et merci d'avance
Magister in Applied Linguistics and TEFL Tlemcen Univ
Choose one of the following topics
Topic 1
To move from their routinised way of working and to act as agents of change, EFL teachers are bound to perform some roles both vis -à-vis their learners and vis-à-vis their colleagues. Give an account of thse roles with reference to ELT in Algeria.
Topic 2
"Few, if any , writers on learning would disagree that internalisation of grammar rules is central to learning and that any teaching programme which omits grammar is not really teaching ********
in the full sense of the word" ( Cunningsworth 1987 . 18). To what extent is this quotation true?.u