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Nous cherchons a vendre WELLODONE produits

Question de M alel le 24/04/2012 à 09h58
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Dear Sir or Madam, I have the pleasure to present WELLDONE, the first Polish brand which represents the socially-engaged design. A pioneering and the only brand in Poland that introduces design into an action strategy of a social enterprise. The close cooperation of the Academy of Fine Arts from Warsaw, Castle Cieszyn, the “Being Together” Foundation,, as well as their great involvement in the products’ designs and a complex visual project of the WELLDONE brand, guarantee products that are perfectly designed, of excellent quality and at attractive prices; nevertheless, the social value of the product is its main virtue. The WELLDONE products, made from natural materials, ordinary, witty and intelligent objects are all very useful and simply ideal, not only as gifts. Designed by young designers and produced by people returning to the labour market, supported by the ”Being Together” Social Enterprise Development Foundation, located in Cieszyn. The WELLDONE products are distinguished by their simplicity, ingenuity and sense of humour. Young designers (Urszula Mas, Agnieszka Wiczuk, Oran Bertelsen, Marcin Ebert) concentrated on creating objects consisting of funny stories: a “christmas tree” candle holder can be used year-round, two piggy banks incessantly argue about their savings, whereas a three- dimensional tree gives a chance to relax during a, seemingly, childish game. The WELLODONE products are made of solid wood and plywood – eco-friendly, nice to the touch, aesthetic. Waste timber can also be used in production. Similarly, the packaging, simple cardboard tubes, is made from recycled materials. The WELLDONE brand is strongly marked by the “good things” idea. The three designed objects, to which more will be added, are not only witty and ingenious gadgets – they also give a chance for a better life, to all people who take part in the production process. Therefore, when buying the WELLDONE products you help us helping. My decision – buying with a heart! We look forward to your cooperation. www.welldone.co
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nous cherchons a vendre WELLODONE produits
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