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Rond 18m diametre

Question de Hisalgo le 16/11/2009 à 09h22
Dernière réponse le 11/11/2017 à 23h19
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Quel est la surface en metres carrés d'un rond de 18m de diametre
2 réponses pour « 
rond 18m diametre
Réponse anonyme
Le 24/07/2012 é 12h08
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Eye: is it really disnsheot? It does use wood for its qualities (just not its structural qualities) and has a shape determined by the crafting process. The result is quite minimal and at the same time there are lots of little details that give away how the chair was constructed so that even though it kind of hides its structural truth, I think Mies would've liked this chair. I think it's a little sad that we've come to understand a material's qualities only in structural terms that's a very disnsheot stance towards the possibilities of wood, metal, brick and, in today's society, much more industrialised than Mies', it basically amounts to turning design into flipping through the pages of construction catalogues (i.e. post-Thatcher British modernism.)I think its more honest to hide the structure and use the material's texture than to use a design that includes superfluous elements but highlights how the building works (as in Lake Shore Drive or more radically, in hi-tech architecture.)
Réponse anonyme
Le 11/11/2017 é 23h19
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Sa surface est de: 254.34mètres carrés
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rond 18m diametre
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