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Stubborn ex employer

Question anonyme le 06/04/2011 à 12h55
[ ! ]
I have registered with the Chomage in Switzerland as I am unemployed now and also preganant. I need the assistance from the chomage to help me get back into work when the baby is born. It is necessary to have all of the documents for the inscription within (three months?) The employer has completed most of the documents required, leaving me waiting for one CERTIFICAT DE TRAVAIL which is essential to complete the inscription. The employer sent an email saying she doesnt see why she has to repeat the information from the yellow form again with the cert de travail and I told her it is an obligation as this is what I was told and dont see how it couldnt be an obligation of the employer- it takes 2 minutes and if she decides not to do it due to being stubborn? What can I do? Dont we have any rights as ex employees?
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Stubborn ex employer
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