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Study mandarin Chinese in Tianjin

Question anonyme le 11/09/2009 à 03h17
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China's economy on the world stage has been elevated, so Chinese has become a popular language. A growing number of oversea students are learning Chinese as a new fashion. Yuming Education Center has opened classes to teach oversea students Chinese. China's increasingly powerful stature and business opportunities relating to the Chinese language means it has become one of the world's most important business tools. It is critical to the success of business negotiations. Yuming Education Center is helping China develop education as a business to provide a high-quality System of Business Chinese courses. Yuming Education Center at the same time wants to teach Chinese culture to people in a more intuitive perspective, in a comprehensive introduction to traditional Chinese culture, including Chinese poetry, drama, traditional dance, folk music, traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy, traditional Chinese clothing, Tai Chi and other martial arts, art and physical culture courses, and activities which include visits to famous attractions. Yuming education center is for all age groups and various levels providing a holiday of a pure Chinese language environment and a winter/summer camp of Chinese art and culture classes. With years of international experience of teaching, our teachers provide the best quality of life and teach to protect and enrich the Chinese culture and explore the horizons of trainees, leading to a vast increase in knowledge. Yuming Education Center caters especially for different ages at different levels (10 years and above), overseas Chinese, overseas Chinese children and their relatives. Yuming sets up highly individualized classes of Chinese traditional language, including one month, one and a half month, two months, long-term and different time curriculums, providing a great platform in order to explore their roots and return to develop their career in China. For more details, please contact us, we will provide you with different times of the main curriculum. Website: www.studychineseintianjin.com Telephone consulting:86-13821439769 86-13132058285 86-22-23394188 Email: yumingstudy@yahoo.com; yumingstudy@hotmail.com
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Study mandarin Chinese in Tianjin
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