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Advertising Partnership experts-univers.com

Question anonyme le 20/03/2020 à 08h00
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Hi there, We are big fans of experts-univers.com and have spent the past few years focused on generating substantial revenue increases on similar sites. We manage revenue and analytics for hundreds of sites and besides the revenue uplift we are providing through our platform we are providing our partners with business intelligence & analytics tools to better understand the revenue generated from each page and from each source of traffic to help arm them with data to better invest in their business and create more high-revenue generating content. Our UI will show you exactly how much revenue you make per page, per geo, from each traffic source, etc. I think we can provide significant uplift to your current Google display earnings quickly and we offer a revenue guarantee to ensure that you'll make more revenue than from your current Google integration. All our data is anonymized and we've built out a consent management tool to comply with GDPR regulations in Europe as well. You can find more details on our site here (https://yolla.media ). Please let me know if I can answer any questions as well. Warm regards, Sienna Lin Business Development Yolla Media https://yolla.media
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Advertising Partnership experts-univers.com
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