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Advertising enquiry

Question anonyme le 03/01/2014 à 10h46
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Hi, I've come across experts-univers.com and think there's definitely potential for us to work together. I work for Switch Concepts and we place over 1 billion adverts a day for customers in over 20 countries around the world. We’re currently 2nd on the Times 100 list of the fastest growing technology companies in the UK. We have created a really simple platform to help websites like yours generate more revenue from their current advertising; in some cases we've increased revenue by 300%. Our system works by; * Setting a reserve price for your ad space (for example, your current average CPM price) * We only fill if our various demand sources can beat the reserve * If we can't beat the reserve then it gets automatically passed back to one of your other demand sources and you make the same amount of money you'd have made before using Switch. * This process is done in milliseconds. * Ultimately, if we can make you more money, then we will. We work for a variety of companies such as saintsweb, racingpost.com and theAA.com. There is no charge for this and no contract- if you're not happy that we are making you more money whilst using Switch, then you can just remove the Switch tags from your site. I'd love to discuss this with you, when are you available for a quick chat? Kind regards, -- Andrew Streets
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Advertising enquiry
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