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Aide soignant 2010 cote d ivoire

Question anonyme le 24/09/2010 à 00h17
Dernière réponse le 21/03/2012 à 09h56
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C est pour quand les resultats du concours d aide soignant du 18-08-2010 cote d ivoire
1 réponse pour « 
aide soignant 2010 cote d ivoire
Réponse anonyme
Le 21/03/2012 é 09h56
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To your face sort of leader to noitmen a few, does has a very large shoe.Never in a hundred years another leader of similar calibre would come to our shore ,and never in my wildest dream i would expect AAB to fill that shoe.Like Caesar he came ,he saw and he conquered us all(our mind).He pushed, cajole and spank the whole population with the sincerity like a father would ,pushing us to the maximum of our ability ,thus reaching the heights we would never dream of.He created many enemies along the way ,but the worst of are those who stabbbed him with a smile.Offerd him the crown like what the Roman did to their Caesar ,that UMNO did ,with all our support.... turn it down he did .Repeatedly he did that even with MakCik Pedah crying rivers .We are forever grateful that we still have him with all his sharpness and refined thoughts hopefully many more yeras to come.I remember reading about Caesar by William Shakespeare.In the book he was killed early in storyline,but the rest of the book ,the speeches,the power struggle and eventual wars and killing were all related to him...he permeated the air throughout the book even without his presence.As you can see in UMNO GA now,the RM600million promised by AAB to 'Cawangan' for so called rural developments are actually candies handed out to all Ketua Cawangan @ Chief Contractor to silence them and let them toe the line.This abused of public fund is the price that AAB used to silenced the support of Ceasar.That happen without his presence,it could have gone to billion if he were to appear at GA.In a way TDM has saved public fund!!Thanks Tun.A big fan of National Geography myself...the gathering a flock of monkey came was a great interest to me(obviously it got nothing to do with gathering of learned man of UMNO in GA).They do have hierachy in monkey world ,leaders are the one with most spouses and stay high on tree.The role of monkey leader is his ability to ensure the survival of the flock.Thus the wise leader is the one who is able to find the locations where the food is in abundance.With plenty of food everyone is happy except the horny few(these are not to be trusted members) who ride on the King's concubine when the King is asleep.This horny few would be severely reprimanded or even banished if caught.It was noted that the sons and daughters of the King monkey were well protected which NEVER (please remember this)happen in human society.His sons and daughters got more fruits,played on the King's head and even tug his monkeyhood(as oppose to manhood)without raising the King's eyebrow,that is to say the son can be 'kurang ajar'and the King Monkey can tolerate that..phew what a life.I remember on one occasion when a pretender to the throne,out of frustration or playfulness like any monkey would do,tug similar thing of the King monkey.He was attacked, bitten and threw off the branches mercilessly...basically that is 'a kurang ajar' attitude is not tolerated except for the monkey king family memebers.Again ,i must stress this happen in a jungle documented by NG and certainly ,it bears no similarity to our civil society dead or alive...come on who in the correct mind would allow his son to do that??The peacefulness in their society was shattered on the occassion of the day when the tiger decided to stroll by.Minding his own business, except for a roar or two,his strolling activity caused great commotion on the tree top.The King Monkey in particular was jumping up and dowm giving orders and screaming.The tiger did nothing except doing his daily stroll and continue his recuperation from recent minor skirmish...lo and behold ,out of sheer fright,the monkey king fell down probably in his over excited frenzy,and it was the day the wounded tiger had a free meal.Of course the monkey community survive without their King as there were food in abundance.It was a great sacrifice of the King Monkey for his rakyat.The NG team managed to locate the flock again on their subsequent trip ,they found it interesting as the son (who used to do silly tugging before)is now a new leader .Unlike human the monkey can accept kurang ajar character to be their new leader...and we are certainly not related to monkey...are we??And..of course its a silly thing to follow monkey.As to TDM,Has a speedy recovery Sir ,please dont roar for a while..
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aide soignant 2010 cote d ivoire
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