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An internship into mtn cameroon

Question anonyme le 15/07/2010 à 11h19
Dernière réponse le 01/11/2012 à 21h32
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How can a postgraduate student get an internship into mtn cameroon? Being a faithful client of your servives, it will be better so that i help convinced and promote your services nationally and even internationally. Being a bilingual cameroonian it will be also a greater advantage for the company.
6 réponses pour « 
an internship into mtn cameroon
Réponse anonyme
Le 17/11/2010 é 12h14
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Hello, i am a cameroonian and a holder of Maitrise in law and unable to find a job even with MTN cameroon which i have deposited files severally. I am in support of this intenship since it will go a long way to help those who are just living the class room to gain more practically skills and also prapare them for the job market.
Référence(s) :
It is very necessay
Réponse anonyme
Le 18/01/2012 é 11h41
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Hello am Ebob Mpame Ashu and a holder of a Bachelor Degree in Private International law.Am of Cameroonian nationality and also a computer literate.Am an English speaking Cameroonian but also understands and speak french.Just wanted to know if it is possible for me to do internship with Mtn and also work with the same company
Réponse anonyme
Le 20/06/2012 é 18h19
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Hello i am a Cameroonian a first year student in telecommunication engineering department the siantou university complex. i am an english speaking cameroonian i wich to know if i need to apply online for an internship with mtn cameroon. i have alredy deporsited my documents in the Douala head office.
Réponse anonyme
Le 21/06/2012 é 12h15
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I am in support of this programme because i trust it will enable many students who just left the class room and are unable to get a job due to lack of professionalism which is all what we ghet from the job market these days.Ever since my maitrise in law, i have been looking for a job to no avail of which MTN is inclussive.If this is the only means through which some of us can pass through before getting a job then i will gladly do that.
Réponse anonyme
Le 03/07/2012 é 03h58
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Y'ello MTN!!! what a great idea you have here.MTN has just proved its worth once again.i am an English speaking Cameroonian ,reading Marketing in the National Polytechnic Bambui North West region.I really do like this program and I thank MTN for this because it will go a long way to help young People gain more and important knowledge from a great company and experienced one too.THAT IS, M.T.N Y'ello MTN, il est un bon programme et je vous remercie de nous avoir donné l'occasion d'acquérir des connaissances à partir de votre company.j'apprécie
Référence(s) :
My ideas
Réponse de EVARISTUS
Le 01/11/2012 é 21h32
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Hello i am a Cameroonian, a holder of a Msc in international hospitality management from the Cardiff Metropolitan University. Please i wish to know if i can have a job in MTN Cameroon Below is my CV.
Référence(s) :
Evaristus Nyong Abam
38 Northborough Road, Norbury, London, SW16 4AX
Email: enyongabam@yahoo.com | Mobile: 07961949315/07414096082


Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK Sept. 2011 – Dec. 2011
• M.Sc. International Hospitality Management (Graduate)
• Dissertation on the economic impact of tourism attraction on the hospitality sector- a case study of Limbe wildlife centre
MSc. graduate with a strong analytical and interpersonal skills and seeking a career in Human Resource management and strategic management and other related fields
• London School of Commerce (LSC), London, UK Oct. 2010 – Aug. 2011
• Postgraduate Diploma International hospitality Management
• Modules included: Tourism and Hospitality Strategy in the Global Market Place, Current Issues, Research Methodology Contextualizing Hospitality Management, Marketing Management, Managing Human Capital, Financial Analysis & Management, Management Theory and Practice, Information Technology and Systems, Accounting & Decision Making Techniques, Managerial Communication, Hospitality & Tourism in Context.

University of Dschang, Cameroon Oct 1996 – Aug. 2001
• B. Sc Botany (equivalent 2:4 classification)
• Modules included: Mycology, Ecophysiology, Thallophytes and Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Spermatophytes and Paleobotany, French Language, Plants systematic, Ecology of plant communities, Ethnobotany, Computer science, Growth and development of plants, Phytopathology, Plant Anatomy and Histology.

Employment History

Mitie April 2010- till date
• General cleaning,
• Mopping
• Assisting the supervisor

Branch manager, Aim Group (Bookshop) Int. Ltd Limbe - Cameroon Oct 2006 – Oct 2010

• Representing the company in meetings
• Representing the company in graduation and price award ceremonies.
• Visiting Colleges and carrying out prospection of new books.
• Overseeing the day to day management of the bookshop.
• Organizing short courses for the junior employees.
• Preparation of sales invoices.

Sales agent, Aim Group (Bookshop) Int. Ltd. Limbe - Cameroon March 2002 – Oct 2006
• General cleaning of the bookshop
• Replacing of books and stationeries on the counter.
• Registration of incoming stock
• Packaging
• Book keeping.

Justice and Peace commission- Parochial president, Sts Peter and Paul Parish Mbeme, Mamfe Diocese, South West Region Cameroon. April 2003- July 2010
• Settling disputes between Christians and also between Christians and non Christians.
• Preparation of Parochial report
• Training of new members
• Organising seminars.
Management development programme, London School of Commerce March 2011
• Effective Business communication
• Problem solving and decision making.
• Motivation and systematic planning.
• Teambuilding.

Additional Skills

IT Skills

• Software: Microsoft Office Packages 2003/2007/2010: Word (Advanced), Excel (basic), And Access (basic).

Skills and Achievements
Team Work
Experience of working in groups during academic projects, community services and AIDS organisations, student and choir associations, financial associations and include planning, role allocation, and co-ordination roles.
Worked effectively with colleagues and be part of the marketing team in order to understand and solve the problems faced by customers and be competitive in the market as well in Aim group Int. ( bookshops) ltd. in Limbe.
Effective Communication
• Strong selling and negotiation skills developed through close customer contact in the selling of books. Attend training seminars (aimed at personal sales, advanced interpersonal skills and customer focus development) organised by Cameroon book sellers association (CAMBOSSA) with headquarter in Limbe.
• Presentation skills and confidence demonstrated during the quarterly managerial meetings of Aim Group (bookshops) Int. Ltd.
• Good inter-personal skills developed when working as a Volunteer in the justice and peace commission of Sts. Peter and Paul`s parish Mbeme , Mamfe diocese- Cameroon.
• Communicate well with personnel at all levels in an organisation.
• Excellent written and verbal communication.

Work well under pressure
• Ability to work well under pressure without compromising quality of service
• Work to very tight deadlines.
• An eye for detail
Research on the economic impact of a tourism attraction on the hospitality sector- a case of the Limbe wildlife centres
Problem solving
• Handling managerial position have made to me always think strategically especially when working under pressure and deadlines.
• Frontline customer roles have taught me to find solutions to customer problems in an effective.

Management and Leadership skills

Mbeme Cultural and Development Association (MBECUDA)
• Limbe branch secretary March 2002- Sept 2010
• General financial Secretary
Immaculate Heart Choir- Mile 4 Limbe South West Region - Cameroon
• Financial Secretary
March 2002- Sept 2010
• English (mother tongue), French (fluent)

Interest and Hobbies

• Singing, playing football, running, cinema, dancing.


References available on request
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an internship into mtn cameroon
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