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Besoin de 900€ urgemment svp

Question de lalalvesm le 02/01/2013 à 17h08
Dernière réponse le 07/04/2016 à 18h56
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Bonjour, Étudiante ce jour je rencontre pas de problème d'argent en ce moment. Et j'ai malheureusement besoin de 900€ très rapidement. Je suis vraiment navré de faire appel à vous mais j'ai déjà emprunter 1000€ à ma banque il y a deux, je ne peux plus faire appel à eux. Si quelqu'un acceptais de me donner ou prêter sous remboursement cet argent je ne saurait comment le remercier. J'espère un retour de votre part. Merci aux arnaqueurs de s'abstenir ceci est une annonce des plus sérieuses. Cordialement
8 réponses pour « 
Besoin de 900€ urgemment svp
Réponse anonyme
Le 03/01/2013 é 11h04
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Bonjour Madame/Monsieur Pour tout vos besoin de crédit je vous conseillerais de contacter Mme LILIANE elle est celle qui m'a aidé je vous garantie que vous allez pouvoir trouver ce prêt que vous recherchez dans les domaine suivant :Prêts immobiliers, Prêts à l'investissement, Prêt automobile, Dette de consolidation, Marge de crédit, Deuxième hypothèques, Rachat de crédit Prêts personnels .De mon côté, je suis maintenant épanoui avec ma famille et je paie mes mensualités chaque fin de mois. Voici son adresse e-mail : chts2009@rocketmail.com Cordialement
Réponse anonyme
Le 05/01/2013 é 12h27
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Pour vos besoin de prêt d'argent en vue d'une location d'appartement , achat d'une maison, d'une voiture , prêt a la consommation etc.. Contactez Mme CAMMILLERI celle qui m'a sauvé après avoir été victime de l'escroquerie . Voici son adresse e-mail : dmmecammilleri@yahoo.com contacter la et dites que c'est moi qui vous envoie. Suivez ces instructions et je vous garantie que vous allez pouvoir trouver ce prêt que vous recherchez. Cordialement.
Réponse anonyme
Le 13/06/2013 é 01h30
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ST GEORGE CATHEDRAL FINANCE Address:--- 14 Ely Place, Holborn Circus, London EC1N 6RY Email:-- stgeorgecathedralfinance@gmail.com ======================================= This is a christian loan firm that offers lending service to people in need of urgent loan or people having problem in solving their financial problem. Since money have been a major problem in our day today life, the ST GEORGE CATHEDRAL FINANCE decided to setup a loan firm to help members and non all over the world. We are registered and religious loan firm that have been in practices for a very long time We give out loans to assist people, firms who need to update their financial status. * Are you financially Squeezed? * Do you seek funds to pay off credits and debts * Do you seek finance to set up your own business? * Are you in need of private or business loans for various purposes? * Do you seek loans to carry out large projects * Do you seek funding for various other processes? 1} Name:---------------- 2} Country:------------- 3} State:--------------- 4} Gender::------------- 5} Marital Status::----- 6} Amount:-------------- 7} Duration:------------ 8} Address:------------- 9} Phone Number:-------- 10} Monthly income:------ 11} Purpose:------------- 12} Email:---------------- Kindly contact us for urgent loan for instant approval please if you are interested in obtaining loan from us kindly get back to us through our Email:-- stgeorgecathedralfinance@gmail.com REV MARK OWEN EMAIL:--- stgeorgecathedralfinance@gmail.com ST GEORGE CATHEDRAL FINANCE
Réponse anonyme
Le 26/08/2013 é 16h27
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PSF FINANCE LTD EMAIL:---{ pacificstandardfinance@yahoo.com } ============================= PSF FINANCE LTD This is a charitable and christian loan organization formed to help our Christians all over the world who are going through financial crises.Our obligation is helping the needy to gain financial stability in order to meet with the demands of living. And helping those who are in financial crises. If you are experiencing a hard blow of bad luck, don’t loose hope PSF FINANCE LTD IS here to help you. We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000. Our loans are well insured and maximum security is our priority, at an interest of 2% rate. Available Loans 1. Personal Loans (Secure and Unsecured) 2. Business Loans (Secure and Unsecured) 3. Combination Loan 4. Consolidation Loan And Many More:Loan up to $100,000.00 LOAN Key Benefits 1. No security/guarantor required 2. Faster processing. 3. Minimum documentation 4. Attractive rates of interest 2% 5. Flexible repayment option of 1-30 YEARS APPLICATION FORM Name:___________________________ Address:________________________ Sex:____________________________ Age:____________________________ Country:________________________ Occupation:_____________________ Loan Amount____________________ Purpose of loan_________________ Loan Duration___________________ Monthly Income:_________________ Phone Number:___________________ OUR EMAIL IS EMAIL---{ pacificstandardfinance@yahoo.com } ==================================== Your Satisfaction and Financial Success is Our Aim, You are expected to inform us of the exact loan amount requested so as to enable us provide you with the Loan Terms and Conditions. if you are interested in obtaining loan from our firm. Please, do complete the short application form and CONTACT US WITH OUR EMAIL ADDRESS WE WILL MAKE YOUR DREAM COME THROUGH. STAY BLESS ALEXANDER R COLLINS EMAIL---{ pacificstandardfinance@yahoo.com } PSF FINANCE LTD
Réponse anonyme
Le 24/03/2014 é 14h05
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HOLY INNOCENT LOAN SERVICES EMAIL ADDRESS--- [holyinnocentloanservices@gmail.com] HEAD OFFICE-----Holy Innocents' PresbyteryStrickland Way ORPINGTON Kent BR6 9UE ================================================================================ This is a charitable loan Organization formed to help people in need of help and such as financial help. So are you are going through financial difficulty ? contact us today via email :(holyinnocentloanservices@gmail.com) We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000.Our loans are well insured and maximum security is our priority,at an interest of 1.2% rate. BE BLESS, REV VICTOR VELLA MRS SHARON DELANEY [ASST. C.E.O] EMAIL ADDRESS---holyinnocentloanservices@gmail.com HOLY INNOCENT LOAN SERVICES
Référence(s) :
Réponse anonyme
Le 29/06/2014 é 21h16
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Bonsoir, j'ai besoin de 1000 euros pour passer l'été avec mes enfants, comment puis je procéder?
Réponse de rev
Le 20/11/2014 é 23h11
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HOLY CROSS FINANCIAL LOAN SERVICE Email:. [ hollycrossfinance@gmail.com ] ====================== Is one of the leading Christian loan providers, HOLY CROSS FINANCE is here to help you lay the foundation for your Business, Home, Education e.t.c. With the experience of sharing the dream of millions of our customers, we offer you the most convenient loan plans to suit your needs. ============================== Do you need funds to start up your own business? Do you need a loan to pay off your debt? Whether you are self-employed or salaried, want a floating or fixed rate, HOLY CROSS will offer a loan that is just right for you. we satisfy our customers and i believe yours will not be an exception. ================================ Our email address is [ hollycrossfinance@gmail.com ] Please this is for serious minded and God fearing People, interested persons should contact us through our email and your life will never remain the same. GOD BLESS YOU ALL. THANKS AND REGARDS REV MEHALL LOWRY EMAIL: hollycrossfinance@gmail.com HOLY CROSS FINANCIAL LOAN SERVICE
Réponse anonyme
Le 07/04/2016 é 18h56
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Do you need Financial Assistance? We can help you We give out loan with an Interest rate of 2.0% Please reply to via Email : dedeoglu.kocar@consultant.com WE OFFER ALL KIND OF LOANS - APPLY FOR AFFORDABLE LOANS. * Investor Loans - * Mortgage Loans- * Business Loans - * Personal Loans - * Debt Consolidation - Kindly write us back with the loan information; - Complete Name: - Loan amount needed: - Loan Duration: - Purpose of loan: - City / Country: - Telephone: - Name of the Site: We encourage you to contact us and learn more about the loans service we offered. If you have any questions or want more information about our company, please feel free to email at dedeoglu.kocar@consultant.com Yours Sincerely, Mrs. Sevdil Yildirim dedeoglu.kocar@consultant.com We look forward to hearing from you.
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Besoin de 900€ urgemment svp
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