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Cherche Code Autoradio Scenic 2007

Question de glechate le 14/06/2012 à 22h11
Dernière réponse le 22/08/2012 à 18h29
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Bonjour, J'ai besoin d'aide j'ai changé ma batterie de mon scénic 2 et le poste ne fonctionne plus et on me demande un code que je ne trouve plus du tout. Le modèle du poste après l'avoir démonté est : RNRDAF70007590 RENRDW346-15 FD0207080007590 8200666 141T H166 - SECURITY Pouvez vous m'aider ? Merci d'avance
6 réponses pour « 
Cherche Code Autoradio Scenic 2007
Réponse de hay88
Le 15/06/2012 é 00h09
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Glechate code 4695 You must hold at the end to store your code. IF YOU DONT HAVE ¬ KEY THEN PUSH THUMBWHEEL IN AND SOME HAVE {A¬} KEY Turn on the radio and the display will show 'CODE' Use the steering controls for code entry. Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct first digit Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct second digit Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct third digit Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct fourth digit If the correct code is now shown on screen, press and hold the [ ¬] button for up to 10 seconds to store the code FOR NO STEERING CONTROL press the first preset button for the 1st digit, second button for the 2nd digit third button for 3rd digit forth button for 4th digit then press and HOLD button 6 to store. for 10 seconds and on some it's hold 5 to store.
Réponse de glechate
Le 15/06/2012 é 20h18
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Merci bcq. Ça marche parfaitement. Super !!
Réponse anonyme
Le 22/08/2012 é 16h53
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Bonjour, Moi aussi même chose, j'ai un scenic 2007 sur lequel je n'ai pas le code après avoir changé la batterie. secinic1.5dci 105ch n° identification vehicule VF1JMSE0637755720 MERCI
Réponse de hay88
Le 22/08/2012 é 16h59
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You need to remove the radio. they are too small holes each side of the radio use an old metal coat hanger 4 darts or very small screwdriver or long nails. put into holes about 4-5cms and push outwards sideways and carefully pull radio forward. you must do the holes on each side at the same time Then post the numbers/letters from below the main barcode something like 7700xxxxxxtt123 or 8200xxxxtt123 or the security code like Q123 or T0U123 can be found in a small box then i can help you off of the radio then email me codehelp@hotmail.co.uk
Réponse anonyme
Le 22/08/2012 é 18h01
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RNRDAF70335314 RENRDW330-19 BS0207120335314 8200607918T - 0310 ECURITY Pouvez vous m'aider ?
Réponse de hay88
Le 22/08/2012 é 18h29
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If o310 then code = 1617 if Q310 Then code = 9611 You must hold at the end to store your code. IF YOU DONT HAVE ¬ KEY THEN PUSH THUMBWHEEL IN AND SOME HAVE {A¬} KEY Turn on the radio and the display will show 'CODE' Use the steering controls for code entry. Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct first digit Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct second digit Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct third digit Press the [ ¬] button then rotate the thumb wheel for the correct fourth digit If the correct code is now shown on screen, press and hold the [ ¬] button for up to 10 seconds to store the code FOR NO STEERING CONTROL press the first preset button for the 1st digit, second button for the 2nd digit third button for 3rd digit forth button for 4th digit then press and HOLD button 6 to store. for 10 seconds and on some it's hold 5 to store.
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Cherche Code Autoradio Scenic 2007
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