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Je cherche partenaire financier ou du travaille

Question de airhouzab le 31/01/2013 à 00h29
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Adresse du Maroc: SIDI ABBAD 3 n ° 263 TOWN & COUNTRY: Marrakech / Maroc CODE POSTAL: 40000 Statut: Marié - 5 ENFANTS S SEXE: Homme Email: airhouza@yahoo.fr & airhouza@gmail.com DATE DE NAISSANCE: 11/12/1961 FONCTION: Artisanat entrepreneur en construction et COMMAIRECE INTERNATIONALES TEL 00212677303362 ================================= Hello I am an entrepreneur in construction, construction and Moroccan decorations. I am unemployed and I am looking for a financial partner associate (money capital) to invest with me in Morocco, or any other country ... .. In the following areas: - Building and construction (roads and highways) - Moroccan crafts decorations (Finish) - Marketing of building products and other - Rental and sales of construction equipment and commodities - Real estate projects (purchase of land, construction and sale) - Mines ... .. Tourism projects (purchase and sale of hotels, golf courses, tourism, town and other ... - - Agricultural Projects (purchase and farms, import and export of goods, ext ..) I am also Intermediate International - (. Bio-oil power general-diamond-gold-fish and all minerals, scrap metal, copper, aluminum, ext ...) Export import. Thank you for your attention and contact me if my profile interests you my request. IRHOUZA ABDELLAH (Moroccan) At the moment I live in Mauritania - TZ N: C 101 (next to Hotel Emira) on the road to Nouadhibou TOWN & COUNTRY: Nouakchott - Mauritania POSTAL CODE: 99080 Status: Married - 5 CHILDREN SEX: Male Email: airhouza@yahoo.fr & airhouza@gmail.com DATE OF BIRTH: 11/12/1961 FUNCTION: Crafts contractor INTERNATIONAL TRADE and IRHOUZA ABDELLAH (Moroccan)
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