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Looking for financial partners

Question de csfnabila le 02/01/2012 à 16h17
Dernière réponse le 19/12/2012 à 11h40
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Dear every body, & Happy New Year 2012 CSF. Communication Sans Frontière. S.A.R.L We are a company of Projects studying, Finance services and consulting, we possess an important portfolio of Tunisian and foreign promoters, we are looking for Investors/Financial partners to realize various projects in various sectors " Industrial, Service, Real estate, Business, agriculture, tourism…", we would like to have partners who can help us financially with reasonable interests, those projects are very reliable and profitable. Please, send us the type of contract that you proceed with your borrower or partners. We are ready to study any proposition which seems beneficial for both parts. Who we are: CSF, is a S.A.R.L company created in 1998 with a capital of 20 000DT, implanted in Tunisia, under MF: 0707035N and the RC: B128881999, its main activity “Project Study, Financial Service and Consulting ", occurring us in quite a lot of business sectors; Service, Commercial, Industry, Real estate, agricultural, tourism, Energy… ", We proceed to the market study and the products, the study of the projects and the capital cost, occurring Us at the Marketing level (Strategic and operational), occurring Us at the commercial level (Market share, distribution channels), occurring Us in the realization of the projects by facilitating sources of funding, occurring Us in the scale international for commercial establishment andor Service (Find: partners, Suppliers, Importers, Exporters, representatives, Subcontractors) Ferid ISMAIL / Manager assistant Skype : ferid.ismail csfnabila@gmail.com +21692411460
2 réponses pour « 
Looking for financial partners
Réponse de Anti-Arnaque-93
Le 07/01/2012 é 09h35
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Réponse de jennifer0d1985
Le 19/12/2012 é 11h40
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We have A Land About 2000m2 Containing 1050m2 Builded From This 2000m2, We Would Like To Know a Person or a Company With The Help of Which We Can Build Together a Manufacture for Clothing To Send out-side to This Person or Company . Personnel for Administrative Job: Mr Mejri Mohamed hedi : Supervisor Mr ferchichi houcine : Manager ( did many training in france CAEN, and U.S.A at saint Antonio and COLORADO ). Miss Dhekra : International Trade Graduation. Contact by e-mail to jennifer0d1985@yahoo.fr or by air mail to : Mohamed Hedi Mejri , Hedi Chaker Street ,48 Z.C:7000 Bizerte, Tunisia
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Looking for financial partners
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