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Culture influences every aspect of a compagny's strategy?

Question de kiraca le 12/01/2011 à 01h13
Dernière réponse le 13/01/2011 à 00h03
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Le devoir est décomposé en 4 catégories et doit faire 3 000 mots. Si quelqu'un peut m'aider,me donner des pistes. Je suis complétement perdue, je ne trouve rien sur Internet. -Discuss the strategy debate of local adaptation versus global integration: Provide an in-depth analysis of the debate and have considered wider, international influences impacting the strategy trade-off. -For a company considering internationalisation, outline the significance of cultural considerations, including Hoftede's five cultural dimensions: Provide a comprehensive and critical analysis and interpretation of the role of culture and its subsequent impact on strategic decision-making. -Apply a PESTEL analysis to a specific company in a specific country / region of your choice in an effort to analyse the opportunity of locating / selling there: A comprehensive analysis of a PESTEL framework in an international market, displaying an extensive knowledge of relevant information, by drawing on various international market examples. Critical evaluation of the PESTEL is also clearly provided. -Explore the various market entry strategies available to companies considering internationalisation: Directly addresses the alternative market entry strategies available. A critical evaluation of the theory on market entry strategies is provided, practically relating the theory to international markets. The student's own argument is clearly explained. Je vous remercie d'avance!!!
1 réponse pour « 
Culture influences every aspect of a compagny's strategy?
Réponse de kiraca
Le 13/01/2011 é 00h03
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Il y a quelqu'un qui peut m'aider s'il vous plaît???
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Culture influences every aspect of a compagny's strategy?
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