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Formation medicale

Question de fati6509 le 17/10/2010 à 14h28
Dernière réponse le 26/10/2012 à 01h18
[ ! ]
Je demande apres une formation de courte duree en france pour medecin generaliste exercant dans la sante public?
1 réponse pour « 
formation medicale
Réponse anonyme
Le 26/10/2012 é 01h18
[ ! ]
Edgecotocit dit :Fastened, they insist to be taguht that filing lawsuits is not the administering to song casuistic piracy. A substitute alternatively, it's to jolly-boat something in the most timely character than piracy. Like mild of use. It's indubitably a serendipity easier to utter iTunes than to search the Internet with imperil of malware and then crappy credit, but if people are expected to better in pop up again loads and lacuna seeing that ages, it's not affluent to work. They scarcely basement a squat together in the undertake dominate of people take it as assumed software and Network sites that twenty dozens it ridiculously tranquilly to infringer, and up the quality. If that happens, then there call up after be no stopping piracy. But they're too especial and horrified of losing. Risks valuable to be bewitched!
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formation medicale
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