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I want to be speaker in english

Question anonyme le 29/06/2009 à 16h47
Dernière réponse le 25/10/2012 à 16h01
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I have 18 old,I get my bacaloreat exam this year in languges(French,English,German).I want o be a speaker in english with marines to help our country for developement and I can stay so long time fare than my country to protect it.
9 réponses pour « 
I want to be speaker in english
Réponse anonyme
Le 04/12/2010 é 01h01
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Salut ç nessrine d'algerie je parle le français é un peu l'englais........... hi my name is nessrine from algeria , i speak french and english but not really good in english so i have to learn english .......so help mr please my friends
Réponse anonyme
Le 04/12/2010 é 01h06
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Salut nessrine donne moi ton facebook pour t'aide
Réponse anonyme
Le 06/08/2011 é 00h29
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Hello,my name aya i`m algerian... i`m english student in the university i can speak english but my pronounciation is not very well..
Référence(s) :
help me
Réponse anonyme
Le 06/08/2011 é 00h35
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For u can speak english,u should be listen to native speaker and reading some books or short stories ...use the dictionory ...if u fine difficult !!!
Réponse anonyme
Le 21/10/2011 é 11h28
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Hi.my name kawther i am algerian... i am english student in university mostaganame but cann't speak english very well
Référence(s) :
Réponse anonyme
Le 24/02/2012 é 14h28
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Hi iam english student and i want to speak and learn English language fluently pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase help me
Réponse anonyme
Le 23/04/2012 é 13h57
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Hi i do not know exactly what do you mean ! but if you need helpp ,it is right to be done by me .moreover i can speak 8 (eight) languages in same time english ,french ,spanish ,german, even arab language good enough!! and not little about russe and italy and little some words by chinese !!! i know you do not ask me about my story mais le plus que je puisse parler est "absolement je suis assez curieux " merci bq !!! c'est pour tous !!
Réponse anonyme
Le 09/09/2012 é 17h46
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Hi i am english student in university i want to speak it without barier
Réponse anonyme
Le 25/10/2012 é 16h01
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I'm an english student my name is Abir , can i have friends speak english very well because i want to practise it with someone who is good and could speak it fluently..my e-mail is : sou_abir@yahoo.fr
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I want to be speaker in english
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