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Immigrer a Canada

Question anonyme le 07/02/2011 à 17h54
Dernière réponse le 09/05/2011 à 03h22
[ ! ]
Bonsoir tous le monde. I need to know whether I have any opportunities to emigrate to Canada. I am a young teacher of English 29 years old. I am from Morocco. I have been teaching English for about 2 years in a public high school. I have never been to Canada before. I am single and I can speak French as well as English. are there any others requirememnts needed?? will I find a good and satisfactory job if I happen to be accepted in the interview? the last questions.... how can I apply? can I trust the lawyer? or just go immediately to the embassy? I am very sorry to have bothered you but I need to get some answers yours Adam :)
1 réponse pour « 
Immigrer a Canada
Réponse anonyme
Le 09/05/2011 é 03h22
[ ! ]
You sould really have been accepted cecause of your woderful english words as well as being you honestly with your consecuitive respected sentences. Your lovely student
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Immigrer a Canada
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