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Looking for a job

Question anonyme le 26/09/2009 à 15h52
Dernière réponse le 21/05/2012 à 16h12
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I have just obtained my diploma in translation and I'm specialized in translating Arabic into English and vice versa , but I can also speak english very well because my mother is English . I was wondering if I could find a job dealing with the English language and dealing with customers or anything to do with languages because I can also speak French too.
2 réponses pour « 
looking for a job
Réponse de iron maidan
Le 26/10/2010 é 21h50
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I am Abdellah,i want be a stewart in Air-Algerie
Référence(s) :
i've an english literature diploma
Réponse de AyebPeter
Le 21/05/2012 é 16h12
[ ! ]
I am a Tunisian. The age of 21 years obtained the certificates jurisdiction as follows: Languages​​: Arabic - French-English - German - Italian -. First Aid - Safety and Rescue and a certificate of competence as a host aviation in addition to boxing, swimming, I would like to work in one of companies competent Thank you very much please contact me at ayebpeter@yahoo.fr or 0021626091116 Thank you ...
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looking for a job
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