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What are the specialities in english (system lmd)?

Question anonyme le 07/01/2012 à 22h06
Dernière réponse le 06/08/2012 à 01h12
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I am a student in the university of m'sila and i don't know the specialities of english.so can u tell me what are ?? and i'm not a good speaker in english and h wish that you help me early??????????
3 réponses pour « 
what are the specialities in english (system lmd)?
Réponse anonyme
Le 11/02/2012 é 21h04
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There are 3 specialities:langue apliquée & science de language & civilization.
Référence(s) :
i am a master student.
Réponse de farah.ch
Le 19/05/2012 é 15h50
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Hi yes you can be eihter a teacher ..or you will work something out of your studies .....and believe me you will do nothing with your license of English you need the doctora to teach in the university ... caus the LMD system L = licence M= Master D= Doctora but really the lmd system is boring i prefere the old system ...im second year student in english (lmd system) and im suffering you will see the system is difficult to understand (credits /make up section ....and so on and so ..
Référence(s) :
second year student (lmd system )
Réponse anonyme
Le 06/08/2012 é 01h12
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Iam a new student and i dont know eny thing about this spesyaliy iwont to give me information /thank you/
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what are the specialities in english (system lmd)?
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