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A la recherche d'un fournisseur en correspondance

Question de edenne le 31/10/2009 à 14h23
Dernière réponse le 05/04/2012 à 12h18
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Un fournisseur ou collaborateur je m'appelle eden
2 réponses pour « 
a la recherche d'un fournisseur en correspondance
Réponse de hilyes
Le 02/07/2011 é 16h29
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OLIVE WOOD ILYES Our company is planted in Sfax - Tunisia is one of the pillars of development in Tunisia. We specialize in handcrafted wooden articles olive famous for its strength, its composition very compact, very solid and beautifully fine for cooking or simply as decorative items where the difference of the forms from room to room another making each piece authentic. We work only with olive wood solid premium Calabria. We use only the root of the trees died naturally. Our Company has a wide range of features and decorative needs, it focuses on art and craftsmanship to offer masterpieces with a high cultural value. The price of olive wood depends on two factors: the work of the artisan and of course the age of the tree. We provide the highest quality especially markets with very competitive prices. The presence of our range has exceeded the local market to penetrate markets such as Italy, France, Germany, Canada, USA, Spain, Greece, Australia, Dubai, Switzerland,... Contact Person: Ilyes Hajjem Job title : manager e-mail : olivewod.ilyes@gmail.com skype : olivewood.hajjem MSN : olivewood.ilyes@hotmail.fr Phone number : (00216) 50 722 950
Réponse anonyme
Le 05/04/2012 é 12h18
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BROAD IT, est une société tunisienne spécialiser dans la vente des produits de cuisine et meuble fabriquer en bois d'olivier. pour l'achat en grande quantité une remise exceptionnel est accordée Contact: Adresse postale: Boisdolivier.net Avenue de Tboulbi N° 254 Code postal: 3041 Chihia - Sfax Tunisie Téléphones: +216 25 888 430 +216 26 488 430 +216 25 888 431 Email: contact@boisdolivier.net Site web : www.boisdolivier.net
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a la recherche d'un fournisseur en correspondance
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