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Looking 2 a job !

Question anonyme le 15/08/2012 à 09h04
[ ! ]
Hello, I'm a graduated univ student with a master degree in English( option: lit 1 civ) for this year . I want to ask if there is any job contset or whatever I can apply 4 , knowing that I've sat for the teaching contest last Sunday & it was clearly passed as non sense ! Accordingly, I want to know if there's any job I can apply 4. thank u
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Réponses sur le thème « 
looking 2 a job !
  • 1
    Accept greeting am called Dasi Juliet am a student of national polytechnic Bambui offering banking a
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    Bonsoir tous le monde. I need to know whether I have any opportunities to emigrate to Canada. I am a
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    Hello i am a female Cameroonian holder of the Bachelor's Degree in English Private Law, also a holde
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    It is my wish to work with mtn cameroon but i have not yet have the opportunity. So it will be my p
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    I have just obtained my diploma in translation and I'm specialized in translating Arabic into Englis
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    Well i'm student in second year english lmd i just want courses of the2nd y english lmd in order to
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    Hello I am Charif Farah , 19 years old , I am second year student in the university of Oran (Engl
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    Searching for a job in dubai or beirut.. i'm graduated from ESMOD tunis international school of fash
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    Hi, i'm Farah from Algeria , 19 years old, i speak Frensh, English,German and Arabic. I just heard
  • 1
    I'm so glad to send you message for being accepted to be one student one of your universities to co
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