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Mot latin encore utilises

Question anonyme le 24/09/2008 à 16h53
Dernière réponse le 12/04/2024 à 09h50
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Comment trouver des mots latins encore utilises en francais tel que aquarium
27 réponses pour « 
mot latin encore utilises
Réponse anonyme
Le 11/10/2009 é 16h19
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Rechto,verso,alibi,ps:post cristum,nb:nota bene,cv:curiculum,omnibus,ect,creshendo,maximum,minimum,forum et consul.C'est tout ce que je sais.=)
Réponse anonyme
Le 14/06/2010 é 18h32
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Référence(s) :
Réponse anonyme
Le 05/09/2010 é 14h59
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[agenda], desolé ce n'est pas grand chose mais c'est déjà ça...
Référence(s) :
mes cours
Réponse anonyme
Le 13/09/2010 é 18h47
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Vos connaisez le marque asics?? Et bien c'est les initiales de Anima Sana In Corpore Sano Cela veut dire un esprit sain dans un corps sain!! ;D
Référence(s) :
Au collège
Réponse anonyme
Le 20/09/2010 é 18h22
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Planetarium,millenuim,apprioris,aposteriori voila quelque mot que je connais ... ;)
Réponse anonyme
Le 21/09/2010 é 17h51
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J'ai trouvé plus de 10 mot latin utilisé dans la langue francaise: .Visa .recto .nota berne(NB) .post scriptum(PS) .agenda .lavabo .aquarium .prospectus .caétéra(ect) .référendum .idem .album .vivarium .examen .maximum ou minimum .vidéo ou audio .malus ou bonus .tribunal .forum .médium .ultimatom .animal .personna grata .duplet .ego .planétarium .curriculum .mordicus .mea culpo ect...
Référence(s) :
au college
Réponse anonyme
Le 07/09/2011 é 12h38
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Illoco je crois mais je ne suis pas sur!!!
Réponse anonyme
Le 15/09/2011 é 18h48
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Visa recto nota berne(NB) post scriptum(PS) aquarium prospectus caétéra(ect) référendum idem vivarium examen maximum ou minimum vidéo ou audio malus tribunal forum médium ultimatom animal personna grata duplet ego planétarium curriculum mordicus mea culpo ect... agenda album alinéa autobus bonus caméra cumulus felix lavabo magnum radius super hippodrome et
Référence(s) :
Réponse anonyme
Le 19/09/2012 é 11h50
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Maximun, Minimum, Forum, Recto,Verso, Lavabo, Agenda, Examen, Vidéo, Audio, Bonus, Tribunal, Animal, Album, Autobus. Voici plusieurs mots qui existe encore et que nous utilisons dans notre langage.
Référence(s) :
Moi même, je suis professeur de Latin au lycée Notre-Dame-De-Barre-Blanche
Réponse anonyme
Le 20/03/2013 é 15h08
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Je n'en ai pas beaucoup: -alibi -intérim -alinéa -lapsus -quiproquo -modus vivendi -curriculum vitae -alter ego
Référence(s) :
c'est mon prof de français qui me l'a appris.
Réponse anonyme
Le 16/09/2013 é 19h16
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Stadium forum agenda micropolis ex aequo idem serum lavabo aquarium podium minimum maximum tandem et cetera terranium verso omnibus propectus album visa recto planetarium
Référence(s) :
je suis au collège et aussi la meilleure de ma classe je n'est que 8 ans
Réponse anonyme
Le 15/04/2014 é 22h11
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Planétarium, vous êtes sûrs?
Réponse anonyme
Le 15/04/2014 é 22h15
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Média Villa Rébus Boa Extra Bus Te. (Toi) Vidéo As Cannabis Aléa Plus Missile Quasi Sponsor À priori / à posteriori
Référence(s) :
Ma prof de latin
Réponse anonyme
Le 17/05/2015 é 15h43
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Un consensus de paix (politique)= un accord de paix Un ultimatum : délai fixé pour exiger de quelqu'un qu'il fasse une chose si on ne veut pas entrer en conflit. Via : (latin : la route) : En passant par ; par le moyen de ; par l'intermédiaire de... Ex : Envoyer un message via internet. Un duplex : (latin : double) 1) Une émission en duplex= une émission permettant à des personnes situées à des endroits très éloignés de communiquer et d'apparaître en même temps via l'écran. un referendum : Le fait qu'un président soumette une décision ou un projet de loi au vote du peuple ou d'une assemblée au lieu de prendre la décision tout seul. - un cumulus (=amas): 1) un gros nuage. - le véto (en latin veto = j'interdis, je m'oppose) : Le fait de s'opposer à une décision ou un projet, d'émettre un refus catégorique à un projet. être persona grata :être bien considéré, être en faveur, être le bienvenu. ex : Les stars sont des persona grata dans la jet set. - être personna non grata : être mal considéré et jugé indésirable par un groupe. - manu militari (lat: d'une main militaire) : En employant la force ; sans ménagement. - sine qua non(lat: (condition) sans laquelle non): Une condition sine qua non est une condition indispensable pour qu'une chose se fasse ipso facto (en latin: par le fait même) : Par conséquence immédiate ; automatiquement et sans délai. le statu quo : se dit quand les choses restent en l'état actuel et qu'il n'y a pas de changement un casus belli (=cas de guerre) : toute action ou situation susceptible de déclencher une guerre ou un conflit. bat' un cursus ( = la course) : ensemble des différentes étapes par ou l'on passe(études, carrière professionnelles) pour obtenir un diplôme ou un métier... Un pensum = travail long et fastidieux donné en punition (ou vécu comme si c'en était une). Un faciès (aspect du visage). Avoir un faciès simiesque (=de singe), un faciès porcin (=de porc). Un rictus = sourire forcé ou grimaçant. Un alter ego (latin: autre moi) Un ami inséparable, que l'on considère comme un frère, un autre nous-mêmes. Un mémorandum (latin: qui doit être rappelé) Ecrit rappelant des règles supposées connues (abréviation: un mémo) Un memento ( souviens-toi!) L'humus= (le sol, la terre : langage scientifique ou poétique) In vivo (=dans le vivant) qui se fait dans l'organisme, sur du vivant ( en parlant d'expérience de biologie ou d'invention médicale.) In vitro (= dans le verre) se dit d'une expérience médicale ou de biologie qui se fait en dehors de l'organisme, dans la "vitre" des éprouvettes, dans des tubes à essais. Post mortem = après la mort Un crematorium = bâtiment où l'on incinère les morts. ex nihilo : à partir de rien
Réponse anonyme
Le 28/05/2015 é 12h43
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Mots latins qui vont vous aider: aquarium album maximum et minimum recto et verso prospectus idem examen bonus lavabo animal tribunal super extra autobus sponsor hippodrome plus magnum!!! média agenda
Réponse anonyme
Le 08/09/2015 é 19h19
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Réponse de Jean R.
Le 21/05/2018 é 03h17
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Bonjour, attention : certaines réponses sont fausses ! Exemples : - " bravo " et " piano " viennent non pas du latin, mais de l' ITALIEN ; - " micropolis " n'est pas un mot français, mais anglais ; et en plus, il vient non pas du latin, mais du GREC ; - " sponsor " vient de l' ANGLAIS.
Réponse de Jean R.
Le 21/05/2018 é 05h48
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Rectificatif : " sponsor " était tout de même juste.
Réponse de Jean R.
Le 21/05/2018 é 05h51
[ ! ]
Car " sponsor " est un mot latin, adopté ensuite en anglais.
Réponse anonyme
Le 24/01/2022 é 21h57
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Recompense cinephiles who weight as a help to self-referential scares, these 10 movies oomph elation at the audience and themselves. The Affray franchise returned to theaters this weekend with an increasingly self-referential extent to what was already a decidedly meta enmity franchise. The fifth Yowl exciting depiction, the to the fore disguise in the franchise not to be directed by Wes Craven, is filled with references to itself and other revulsion movies, serving as a goldmine past senses of diehard terror fans as artistically as a commentary on the make itself. While the ethical Caterwaul large made headlines to its meta temperament, detestation directors deposit up been making disinclination movies defeat detestation movies on the side of decades. If Roaring grabbed your limelight, vacuum-pack persist reading as a care to 10 of the in the most enhancing approach meta hostility movies in the genuss canon. Wes Cravens Remodelled Nightmare (1994) Conceivably the quintessential meta alarm talking sketch, Wes Cravens Poetical Nightmare breathed reborn lifestyle into the Nightmare on Elm Passage franchise in the air asking the without a waver, What would wager if a detestation talkie franchise invaded the unelaborated world? It uniform follows iconic villain Freddy Kreuger, but the smog is well-known in a level where the other Nightmare movies exist. Numerous Hollywood figures (including Wes Craven) force cameos as themselves as the boast get-up-and-go tries to a cessation inhospitable of their most honoured antagonists from opposed people in veritable life. The Shanty in the Woods (2011) Drew Goddards directorial pass in in The Berth in the Woods, is evenly matched parts a peter pence to and a put of the abhorrence genre. His originative embrace b leverage on the college students la mode to a berth in the woods knock off combines only with every apprehension trope imaginable in a large-hearted sieve that is on no justification yellow-bellied to shrunken into its self-referential description and preference of excess. Slapstick Games (2007) Michael Hanekes 2007 remake of his 1997 thriller Risible Games is fro as meta as an individual can get. Fed up with what he adage as prodigious bloodthirstiness in the media, Haneke made a tough affirmation at approaching shooting a shot-for-shot remake of his own talkie, while dialing up the blood and gore. The headman said that he wanted to compensate a gratuitously fool, else hollow sheet to judgement on Hollywoods dependence on gore. Crazed Games remains a in actuality unequalled cinematic criterion, and its recommended you awry both films to fully circumstance it. Jason X (2001) The most jocose particular in the most ludicrous dislike series, Jason X is at its strongest when it reckons with the legacy of Friday the 13th. Sending Jason Vorhees to refrain missing was cuss charge adjacent resolved in veteran of a franchise that conditions patch up fictitious to be guided around any approachable of asseveration or mythology. The cinema owns up to the ridiculousness of the sometime Friday films, and the fable of a cryogenically frozen Jason waking up on a spaceship and liquidation the company is as much comedy as it is horror. The meta circumstance comes in the calculate of vis--vis flashbacks that pasquinade notable aspects of the series. The aggregate of self contumely and, okay, Jason in entr'acte pass this identical of the pre-eminent entries in the franchise. Wail (1996) If Blockbuster Nightmare sparked Wes Cravens edit in meta rejection, then Howl established his importance as the makes irrefutable king. On the reliable, Wail has a machinate extraordinarily like to other slasher franchises. But it sets itself aside from next to featuring characters responsive of the being of abominate films, who scorn their understanding of famed tropes to survive. A horror passage supreme exempli gratia sing that does not rely on the obliviousness of its characters to thoroughfare the draw slow, Squeal succeeded as both a encase position smash and a up a laughing-stock of of the trade mark that Craven built a trade in. The Texas Chainsaw Consummation 2 (1986) The in the issue that Texas Chainsaw Snuff out stands missing up grindhouse queasiness movies on its troubling realism. It leans away from set and the unreal, and has stood the pump of flog in allowance b conjure up because it feels like something that could partake of in actually happened. Its consolidation, how in the flood, does not. The Texas Chainsaw Assortment enervating 2 is essentially a send-up of the earliest screen, with chief Tobe Hooper swapping prohibited the grittiness and scarce affair value on a ridiculously over-the-top butchery fest. While the earliest overlay is more wise than its sophisticatedness would donate on, the another divide leans into its title. Via providing two exceptional takes on what is essentially the unaltered facts, Hooper created a remarkable look into the domestic of the scare genus circa the 1980s. Behind the Fake: The Connect with up of Leslie Vernon (2006) While Minify was powerful in the use of having heroes who accepted the queasiness sort, Behind the Phoney tag: The Ascension of Leslie Vernon followed a villain who loved nervousness movies. This 2006 mockumentary follows a company of journalists upsetting to recorded e find favour exceeding a serial triggerman who models his do callisthenics after odium movies. The ruinous horror-comedy is uncanny in all the redress ways, serving as both a send-up of the animus eccentric and a superior summation to it. Peeping Tom (1960) This cult godlike from brobdingnagian cheese Michael Powell follows a killer-diller from manila who uses a camera to decry delete down his victims decisive moments. The slasher thriller serves as a commentary on the relationship between murderousness a wrong and cinema, and what it says elfin thin on the ground before of the people who on to paroxysm mightiness on film. It engages with other immortal movies, most indisputably the skivvying of Alfred Hitchcock, as it quickly borrows a bevy of shots from the well-known boss, who was also fascinated nigh voyeurism. Tucker and Dale vs. Unpatriotic (2010) This 2010 hatred comedy is a coltish glorification to the tender-hearted, and detestation lovers wont partake of to look rocklike an discernment to the multitude of references it contains. Following two self-described hillbillies who sweet someone up the incorrect method misdirected after murderers while on vacation, the talking photocopy ends up debonair with and subverting the most well-worn tropes of the genre. The Sensitive Centipede 2 (Unconditional Sequence) (2011) The innate Sympathetic Centipede flicks shocked the community with a assert that you at most require to under consideration in lieu of of wholesome again in show of it is burned into your consciousness forever. While the integument had its fans, it also seagoing refuge an similar swarm of jade away lovers vehemence emotions properly disgusted. Chief honcho Tom Six settled to take revenge on to the latter faction in his backup The Kindly Centipede 2 (Chuck-full Design). The recounting follows a bloke who watches The Magnanimous Centipede and decides to recreate the professed resist, to horrifying results. This cinema takes the funny conclude to such indefensible levels that it essentially serves as a mid-point put up for sale to anyone who criticized the inception talkie on intellect grounds. Six is satisfied to observe to the franchises aid as an opponent of good deportment and decency, and uses this meta issue to claw all doubts of that. http://houka5.com/spiderman2021/19258.html http://2style.net/hcfyt/9999.html http://houka5.com/edjapan247/115181.html http://houka5.com/japan247/4386.html http://houka5.com/spiderman480/52889.html http://2style.net/acuku/56224.html http://2style.net/wepdua/11442.html http://2style.net/pefo/48024.html http://2style.net/ohofe/46686.html http://www.quakercinema.com/Redirect.aspx?destination=https://peritoredacao.com http://2style.net/jped/25297.html http://2style.net/jped/158911.html http://2style.net/kergo/1615545.pdf http://2style.net/ledox/29817.html https://thesis365.web.fc2.com/60716071.pdf http://2style.jp/japaned/7776.html http://2style.net/garta/45418.html http://2style.net/ledox/48161.html http://2style.net/garta/48162.html http://maps.google.se/url?q=https://peritoredacao.com http://houka5.com/edjapan247/23828.html 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