ENIS school national d `ingeneur sfax
Mohamed DAMAK tunis on: 17-07-2009
E_mail: med.angel @ hotmail.fr
Tel. : +21622618098
Address: For Mr DAMAK radwen avenue road Annaba Algeria Sfax Tunisia 3000
Subject: Demond probation
I am the appointed Mohamed Damak, with a bachelor's degree in experimental sciences in 2006 and a ferry déplumé Preparatory School has studied engineering in Sfax enrolled in second year the school national ingenure Sfax Géoressources and environment sectors.
I took it to get on the list of trainees to do their internship (1-07-20010 => 31-07-2010) in your company.
Your company meets my goals and my needs.
In anticipation of a favorable response, please accept Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration