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Trouver le code d'un auto-radio pour alfa 147 année 2003

Question anonyme le 28/06/2017 à 15h02
Dernière réponse le 07/07/2017 à 18h40
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Je viens d'acheter 1 auto-radio en casse automobile mais je n'ai pas de code;voilà les références:BP937817584991;merci d'avance.
11 réponses pour « 
trouver le code d'un auto-radio pour alfa 147 année 2003
Réponse de hay88
Le 29/06/2017 é 13h49
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Anonymous Question on 28/06/2017 at 15h02 [! ]I just bought 1 auto-radio car break but I do not have a code, here are the references: BP937817584991, thank you in advance.================== code 6231 cheers hay88
Réponse anonyme
Le 30/06/2017 é 16h30
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Thanks a lot but it doesn"t go,sorry.
Réponse de hay88
Le 30/06/2017 é 16h54
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BP937817584991 - code 6231 if that don't work please check you serial number BP937817584991.
Réponse anonyme
Le 30/06/2017 é 17h33
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I have checked the serial number,it's the good number but when i introduce the code,only the first number appears on the auto radio???????
Réponse de hay88
Le 30/06/2017 é 18h14
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For your model It will only work in the car that it came with. if not you will need to send it off to be reset and reprogrammed for use in your car, This stereo is electronically paired to the engine management system of the vehicle it came out of using very sophisticated CAN-BUS system technology. When it is first powered up, it will communicate with the vehicle, and a message of "WAIT" will appear whilst this process is in operation. If communication has been successfull, it will prompt for the code number to be entered. However, if removed and refitted into a different vehicle other than the original one, it will not recognise the coded CANBUS signals of the new car, and will instead display an error message of "CANCHECK" "CANCHECK" , then the unit will need to be sent off to be reset and reprogrammed for use in your car, Code Entry as Follows: Switch Radio On - Display Shows " CODE " then " - - - - " Enter CODE in the order it is read - eg: For Example, To Enter Code 1234 Press Preset 1 then 2 then 3 then 4 The Code will Enter Itself Automatically
Réponse anonyme
Le 01/07/2017 é 17h27
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Thank's but i think i will drive my car without an autoradio.Iwill listen to the motor,140cv.i wish you a good week-end.
Réponse anonyme
Le 07/07/2017 é 16h24
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Hello hay 88,i've bought another autoradio,maybe you'll find the code:here are the references:8 631 122 613/BP-Nr 7 649 378 316/Prod.Nr.Fiat 735 301 823 0/BP937838545844/Alfa937 HIGH 7 649 378 316,thank you.
Réponse de hay88
Le 07/07/2017 é 16h38
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Anonymous reply The 07/07/2017 at 16h24 [! ]Hello hay 88, i've bought another car radio, maybe you'll find the code: here are the references: 8 631 122 613 / BP-Nr 7 649 378 316 / Prod.Nr.French 735 301 823 0 / BP937838545844 / Alfa937 HIGH 7 649 378 316, thank you.===== code 6415 cheers hay88
Réponse anonyme
Le 07/07/2017 é 16h54
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I offer one's apologies to you but i gave you the references of the broken autoradio so now the good references:BP 937838523043/the others numbers are the same,thank you.
Réponse de hay88
Le 07/07/2017 é 17h48
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Réponse anonyme Le 07/07/2017 à 16h54 [ ! ]I offer one's apologies to you but i gave you the references of the broken autoradio so now the good references:BP 937838523043/the others numbers are the same,thank you.==== code 3241 cheers hay88
Réponse anonyme
Le 07/07/2017 é 18h40
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Thank"s a lot i will try and talk about on tomorrow,i wish you a good evening!!!!!
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trouver le code d'un auto-radio pour alfa 147 année 2003
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