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Biologiste cherche un contrat de travail

Question anonyme le 02/07/2012 à 17h15
Dernière réponse le 10/07/2012 à 00h01
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Salam, jh algérienne de 27ans obtenu un diplôme d'ingénieur d’état en biologie option microbiologie obtenu deux bac scientifique , fait stage pratique pratique de 12 mois a l’hôpital de kolea dans le laboratoire central, maitrise le domaine paramédical(les soins,suture,perfusion et injection) esprit d'équipe,polyvalent, compétence en informatique ,maitrise l'arabe, français et l'anglais,très sociable et très motivé,aime les recherche scientifique, esprit ouvert au dialogue et communication, organisé et bon vivant,dynamique et cultivé cherche un contrat de travaile dans une hopital ou clinique ou bien laboratoire d'analyse médical .....et merci.
1 réponse pour « 
biologiste cherche un contrat de travail
Réponse de james01
Le 10/07/2012 é 00h01
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JOB OPENING ADVERT JOB REF/CONTRACT NO: MO&G-UK/MOU-097-2012-13 INTRODUCTION: METRO OIL UK, is a leading Seismic Company; provides comprehensive worldwide reservoir imaging, monitoring, and development services, with the most extensive seismic crews and data processing centers in the industry, as well as the world's largest multi client seismic library. METRO OIL UK services range from 3D and time-lapse (4D) seismic surveys to multicomponent surveys for delineating prospects and reservoir management. DESCRIPTION: Following the recent expansion and development in our company, we are presently recruiting and employing the services of skilled and technical personnel to fill vacant positions in these areas : Geology, Geo technical, Environmental, Operations, Medicals, various fields of Engineering, Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Civil engineers, Chemical, Computer, Medical/Health Personnels, I.T/Hardware and Software, Accounts,Finance/Audits,Instrumentation,Project Management, Construction, Welding and Fabrication, QA/QC, Management and Administrative staff. LOCATION: United Kingdom. Unit 20 Chiswick Park 566 Chiswick High Road London COMMENCEMENT DATE: 2012 EMPLOYMENT TYPE: Full-time and Contract EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS: Excellent Salary, Overtime Bonus, Health/life Insurance, Relocation expenses, Educational assistance, Medical, Optical and Dental Care, Family/Single housing accommodation, Official vehicle depending on employee official status, access to some social and recreational centers in the UK. Interested applicants or group of applicants should send detailed resume and other backup documents along with an application letter (Specifying position of interest) via e-mail attachment in MS Word format to: metrooil@engineer.com Sincerely, James Peterson HR Manager HR Division, Unit 20 Chiswick Park 566 Chiswick High Road Chiswick London
Référence(s) :
metro oil
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biologiste cherche un contrat de travail
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