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Je cherche un correspondant qui parle l'anglais pour m'aide.

Question de sokuru le 23/06/2011 à 15h01
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To whom it may concern. Hello, praise the Lord for this time He brought to me. Am Rudasingwa fidele,Am 23 years holding a Rwandese nationality and am doing second year in bachelor of business administration and computer application at Sri Ganesh College of Arts and Science affiliated to Periyar University in Southern India.My passion in to work with the people especially from Africa to help them discover the potentialities in them and work towards changing their continent. This cannot be true without getting my bachelors degree and at least a master, which is now becoming like a nightmare since finances are now a challenge and it's in that occasion i would like to request from your highest authorities to support me in my education such as i wish to study in Denmark, Canada, U.S.A and Holland to get a nice qualification and prove my mankind. Please I need your help to realize my dreams. Waiting to hear from you by e-mail:rudacastro25@yahoo.fr or cell phone: +919597008609 Thank you so much, May God bless you.
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