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Application for acedemic internship

Question de lionance le 05/05/2012 à 13h23
Dernière réponse le 05/05/2012 à 13h27
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Sir my name is Iwu Gideon Iheanyi Sama and i am a first year student of the Siantou University comlex and i am in the computer engineering department with speciality in software engineering.i wish to undergo a two months internship program from the 1st june to 31st july in your prestigious enterprise in order to improve on my learning and in futur be qa beter engineer. i count on your generous support to help me in my studies. yours humble applicant Iwu Gideon Iheanyi Sama
1 réponse pour « 
application for acedemic internship
Réponse de lionance
Le 05/05/2012 é 13h27
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Sir i am a first year student of the Siantou University comlex and i am in the computer engineering department with speciality in software engineering.i wish to undergo a two months internship program from the 1st june to 31st july in your prestigious enterprise in order to improve on my learning and in futur be qa beter engineer. i count on your generous support to help me in my studies. yours humble applicant
Référence(s) :
Siantou University Complex Coron
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application for acedemic internship
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