Il faut aller sur le site de joomla, télécharger des tutoriel et t'entrainer à configurer tout seul ton site internet avec joomla. tiens moi au courant l'amigo
à toi de chercher sur les autres forums ou demander à ton professeur à la fac ou au lycée, sinon regarde sur internet et tu trouvera des solutions !!! crois moi c'est facile à faire
à toi de chercher sur les autres forums ou demander à ton professeur à la fac ou au lycée, sinon regarde sur internet et tu trouvera des solutions !!! crois moi c'est facile à faire
Installing Joomla!
First of all, download the Joomla! tar.gz package. You can run Joomla! as a full site e.g., or you can run it in a subdirectory of another site e.g. You just have to edit the configuration.php file to tell Joomla! which part of your site it is in. In this example it will run in a directory of a web site:
Make a directory for the web site files e.g.
UNIX - /usr/local/www/public_html/joomla
Windows - c:\apache\htdocs\joomla
Joomla! is packaged in gzip and tar format. Uncompress this distribution file into the directory you have created above using Untar or Winzip, for example:
tar -xvfz latest_joomla_version.tar.gz -C /usr/local/www/public_html/joomla/
NOTE: Make sure you have a trailing slash and replace latest_joomla_version with the version you have downloaded.
Now you have to create a database for Joomla! in MySQL. You can choose any name you want, but just remember to edit the configuration.php file with the name you choose. Use the mysqladmin command, for example :
mysqladmin -uroot -ppassword create joomla_database_name
NOTE: Replace 'root' and 'password' with the username and password that is used for your MySQL database.
You may also use phpmyadmin (a php based, MySQL Administration tool), instead of the command line tools, as this makes dropping the database in quick and easy. Edit the file sql/joomla.sql and uncomment the very last 6 lines of the file starting:
INSERT INTO `mos_users` VALUES (62, 'Administrator'
Import the SQL into your newly created database, from the sql/joomla.sql text file, for example:
mysql -uroot -ppassword joomla_database_name < sql/joomla.sql
NOTE: Replace 'root' and 'password' with the username and password that is used for your My SQL database.
If you wish to load the sample data provided with the distribution, then run the above command and replace sql/joomla.sql with sql/sample_data.sql. If you require the help support for the Administration section, use sql/help.sql.Copy the file configuration.php-dist to configuration.php in the root of your Joomla! directory, for example:
UNIX - /usr/local/www/mywebspace/joomla
and update this file with the correct database name, password, host and directory info.
NOTE: Nearly 80% of installation problems are due to an incorrect absolute path. Ensure that you know what the absolute path is. Here is a useful guide:
Here is an example of a configuration.php file:
File System Permissions
On POSIX based systems (like Unix, Linux, etc), you will need to change the permissions. There are two methods to do this, of which the first is recommended:
Telnet, or secure shell, to your server. Enter the following system command:
> ps -ef | grep apache
You may have to change the name of the process, depending on your system (for example, the process name could be httpd). You may receive output like the following:
Ou aller sur le site web officiel en franacais et telecharger
*Joomla pour les nul*