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Question de alimhenna le 19/06/2010 à 00h32
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Ali mhenna I have 18 years of playing football this season I shall join the team Olympic Khouribga team other middle but got off to play in first difference I learned my football in the streets of Casablanca by my birthplace which was always my dream to become not played professional in Europe, even though I man Onhdhir family poor only and that I am kept on the same pace train always and I ball and God so that I develop the skills of technical as the most important thing for me along Qamte 188cent and am the 73kg play as a striker ambition of the great made me continue my effort and work, even though the circumstances of the challenges I live was my address and still is the old saying was not poverty disadvantage and poverty, but Nokia's attitude to the poor ambition of this place, always. I say to every person has the ability to help me I just want the opportunity to lifetime opportunity that I will do not forget confirmed that, God willing, my example is Henry Play is my number +212663610670
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