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I'm looking for a soccer team

Question anonyme le 24/05/2011 à 02h35
Dernière réponse le 25/07/2016 à 09h07
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My name is Modibo Belemou,i'm 21, i live in Philadelphia[U.S.A] I'm soccer player and forward i'm looking for a team in Europe or Qatar to do tryouts.This is my fone number +1267 401 63 76
11 réponses pour « 
i'm looking for a soccer team
Réponse anonyme
Le 13/06/2011 é 11h32
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Ok send me your cv and you passe port copy ok? i am agent ok?
Réponse de ayoubronaldo
Le 24/08/2011 é 23h57
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My name is ayoub ,i'm 17, i live in khemisset[morocco] I'm soccer player and forward i'm looking for a team in Europe or Qatar or USA to do tryouts.This is my yahoo ayoubronaldo13@yahoo.com
Réponse de pseudo77
Le 04/11/2011 é 13h25
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I am a soccer player with huge experience , speed goals , play maker , i am 34 years from algeria , i am playing for amateur team now , looking for a team in quatar or europ or usa or canada this is my email adress soccer4ever1977@yahoo.com
Réponse de ndinho
Le 12/04/2012 é 17h16
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I am a soccer player ,18yrs old ,cameroonian ,i am a midfielder .recently play with a 3rd division site in cameroon ,looking for a team in quatar,eurpe,usa or canada e-mail:d.etame@yahoo.com tel:+23773056514 address:yaounde,cameroon.
Réponse anonyme
Le 27/04/2012 é 16h39
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Hi i am soccer player, 21 ( april 1991) i am attacker, goal scorer.. full of talent... want to make an international carrer......thanx
Réponse anonyme
Le 05/05/2012 é 21h35
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My name is Epizitone Franz from Cameroon am an attacker and i use my left foot to play.i play as a winger both left and right am looking for a team in Europe please contact me if you have something for me at frankzlatan85@gmail.com
Réponse de moki
Le 22/06/2012 é 22h43
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My name is moki please can i have your e-mail adress to send you my copy of passport and my cv this is my e-mail franklinmoki@yahoo.in thank you for your comprehension i am waiting for your answer
Référence(s) :
my e-mail franklinmoki@yahoo.in
Réponse anonyme
Le 04/07/2012 é 15h22
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I'm akram from algeria , i'm 15 , I want o be a footballer i can play forward (winger) ; or defence , this is my e-mail harry-1098@hotmail.com please if u have got something for me just contact and this is my facebook : Akràm Bara
Réponse de moki
Le 30/07/2012 é 21h05
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Can u give to me your e mail address to contact or phone number
Référence(s) :
need for agent or club in europe
Réponse anonyme
Le 24/03/2013 é 03h50
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I'm zineddine from algeria iam19 years old i'm soccer player and i want to play soccer in usa or qatar this my e-mail: ma3za6@live.fr and this is my telephone
Réponse de dounga dounga
Le 25/07/2016 é 09h07
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Hi how are you i'm kadri player from algeria 23 years u looking a team in canada in any division if you can help me by information or phone number of any coach or manager pleas thank you
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i'm looking for a soccer team
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