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Hello. I'm looking for the meaning of the surname Nobs

Question anonyme le 14/01/2011 à 20h26
Dernière réponse le 06/01/2012 à 23h45
[ ! ]
My name is Martha. Unfortunately I don't know French and I cannot ask the question in French. My great-great-grandmother was from Switzerland. She spoke French and her surname was Nobs, but I don't know is the surname French or German or else. I wonder what does the last name mean? where is it from? what is the origin? Please, help me get to know. I will be very grateful for answer. Thanks in advance.
1 réponse pour « 
Hello. I'm looking for the meaning of the surname Nobs
Réponse anonyme
Le 06/01/2012 é 23h45
[ ! ]
Hello my surname is NOBS I am living in Geneva, Switzerland. The origin of the familiy is Seedorf, in the Canton of Bern, Switzerland. I am citizen of Seedorf as all my ancestors. My email is tekichulo@gmail.com Have a nice day
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Hello. I'm looking for the meaning of the surname Nobs
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