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It is possible to have a scolarship

Question anonyme le 17/03/2009 à 20h23
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HI My name is Jimmy Denis,i am Haitian but i live in Dominican Rep. Getting a career is the specific reason for i write you today ,i finished school i get my diplomas with me .I am a soccer player and i play other game as basket, ect.. i speak 4 languages.Now i am working for T-mobile but i want to study .. In other way i ´d like to know if i can count on you for a scolarship for the next session, or if you want me to pay by giving my courage,or i play in your university team , or after my studies give you some wage years whatever. To end let me tell you i believe in GOD and i believe there is a way and i think you know it ;Thus please help me out to gain this and i promisse you never you wont regret that Also i am ready to pay any future good price for the services . Ex pecting your answer i salute you in the name of my HOLLY LOD GOD BLESS YOU In the next lettre i will send you my all informations THANK YOU JIMMY DENIS
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it is possible to have a scolarship
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