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Modern rabbit breading solution - Partners Wanted!

Question anonyme le 04/05/2012 à 13h08
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GET RABBIT - modern environment-friendly solution for rabbit-breading, allowing to achieve the best results putting minimal effort. We are expading and looking for partners in European Union. Our vision is to allow our partners to sell the product themselves directly and have their representatives in different regions. Technology provides: Ability to grow to 100 rabbits a year No bad smell around farms Automatically warmed water Food stocks’ replenishment only once a week Nest heating throughout all nest usage period Ability for rabbit to select desired temperature and air flow volume itself We offer: Exclusive distribution rights for your region Rewards for mini-farm sales, food sales, spare parts sales, etc. Clear value proposition for all parties: Customer, Get Rabbit, Partner Free samples and information for fast and high profitable expand Constant promotion and marketing We are looking for: Innovative and intelligent, enterprising person/group willing to join our succesfull team Local company of rabbit breeders Enterprising rabbit farmers or rabbit exhibition organizers If you want to know more, please do not hesitate to contact us by email: info@getrabbit.eu or visit our website www.getrabbit.eu
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Modern rabbit breading solution - Partners Wanted!
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