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Looking for job opportunity in dubai, china

Question de kiyane le 20/07/2010 à 23h50
[ ! ]
Salam alaikum brother and sister, i am hichem, 26 years old and i am tunisian, i m an ICT technician, i have 3 years experience with different occupation and different responsability - Installation, commissioning, data recovery, repair server & computer networks, printers, copiers. - Sales, consulting and repair computers (software and hardware) equipment for individuals and professionals. Computer networks Installation and closed-circuit television (CCTV). - Monitoring & asset LINUX management - Windows client, server, Active Directory, Exchange. Thin Client, Terminal server. - LTSP project (Linux Terminal Server Project) Installation and implementation. OS Ubuntu and drift. - Website design: using flash, php, html : www.collectun.com.tn - Creating website using JOOMLA & DRUPAL. so i come in here to ask for some information about company in dubai, and how could i apply for a job.
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looking for job opportunity in dubai, china
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